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Nighthowler: Oh great, what evil plan do you have now?

Isla: It's actually not MY plan

Lily: Really?

Isla: Yes, cousin, it's actually @Deacon08 idea

Copper: Oh.

Toucan: AGH! Just tell me what the dare is! I can't handle it anymore

Bear: Toucan, honey, we barely talked about it

Toucan: I don't care!

Bear: Alright then...

Firefly: *shows up with a dragonet clinging on her tail. She points at the dragonet and walks up to Copper* You!

Copper: Me?

Firefly: Take her! I can't stand it!!!!!!!

Copper: Um...

Owl: Hey dada

Copper: Do I have to?

Firefly: No. I was just joking. I'll take Owl home and when you get back I'll throw a spear right through your heart

Copper: You know what, watching Owl is sounding better each minute. C'mon Owl, let's go play with Dada *whispers to Firefly* You are so going to repay me with date night

Firefly: Ugh...fine

*they leave*

Frostbite: Alrig
ht! Let's get this show on the road!

All: *scream*

Frostbite: What?

Nighthowler: We didn't know you would be there

Frostbite: Well I am

Starguider: Me too

All: *scream*

Starguider: You guys need to control your emotions

Isla: Ick. Alright, first DoD

*DoD come in*

Clay: FOOOD!!! I NNEEEEDDDD FOOOOODDDDD!!! Hurry up and give me food before she comes!!!!!!!

Bear: Wozah dad, um, you look...awful

Clay: *starts to tear up* That's me...ON A DIET!!!!

Bear: *eyes wide*

Clay: I know right


Tsunami: Relax, Clay, she just put you on a diet for only three meals a day. You know something that us normal dragons do

Clay: You don't understand Tsunami! She cut off my snacks!!!!

Sunny: Clay, I think it's good what Peril is doing. She's helping you become healthy

Glory: Yeah. I barely eat meat anymore unless I come to visit you guys. But look how amazing I look

Deathbringer: I know right

Glory: I meant health-wise

Deathbringer: I think in all ways

Glory: *rolls her eyes*

Starflight: I also think it's good


*As Clay is whining, Isla brings the JW*

Peril: If you don't eat healthy Clay you might die

Clay: Who cares?! At least I'll die knowing that I lived my stomach to the fullest

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