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Kinkajou: YAY! We are all together again! 

Moon: Yay? I guess.

Qibli: Moon. Are we going to separate? 

Moon: No! NO! Never! I will NEVER leave you

Qibli: ...really?

Moon: Yes. I will never...

*They kiss passionately* 

Turtle: Avert your eyes! 

Peril: Why? You don't think they're cute? I think they're cute

Turtle: No. I find them ADORABLE, but-

Peril: OOP! YUP! NO. NO. NO. NO. *Turns away* 

Turtle: Kinkajou! Why are you watching that? 

Kinkajou: Because...I don't know what they're doing

Turtle: They're making out. A lot. And it's getting gross. 

Winter: YOU THINK?! 

Kinkajou: OOOOOHHH

Glory: Hello-Oh well...there's something you don't see every day

Tsunami: Yup...Uh...SQUID BRAIN! Why are you here?! 

Riptide: Because of that dragon! *sad* I was planning the perfect night- 


Riptide: ....Are you finished? 

Isla: Are YOU done talking about 16+ stuff? 

Riptide: Yeah

Tsunami: *sigh* I wish he wasn't. 

Riptide: *Amused* really? 


Riptide: We're done talking


Deathbringer: What's up? 

Tsunamilion" *appears out of knowwhere and points to Isla* Beat it. 

Isla: ...yeah sure....

Tsunami: Why are you cowering away?! You should be attacking her! 

Isla: I'll die if I do

Tsunami: Really? *looks at Tsunamilion* I find that hard to believe 

Isla: She has powers that make you do anything she wants! 

Tsunami: Really, well, let's test that out. *Faces Tsunamilion* HEY! You! 

Tsunamilion: Me? 

Tsunami: Yeah You! The scavenger with wings and horns that stole my name! I bet you can't make me kiss Deathbringer

Tsunamilion: *smirks* Okay *snaps* 

Tsunami: *runs to kiss Deathbringer. When they do, Glory pulls them apart and whacks Tsunami with her tail*  WHAT THE MOONS WAS THAT! 

Tsunamilion: I just proved that I CAN make you do anything

Tsunami: *muttering* stupid scavenger-dragon thing

Tsunamilion: *turns to Moonbli and snaps. A second later they're gone* Okay, now that everything is in order, I'm going to need to role call. When I say your name you say here. Okay? Glory. 

Glory: This is stupid. 

Tsunamilion: ....good enough...Clay

Clay: Here! 

Tsunamilion: Starflight? 

Starflight: Here? I guess

Tsunamilion: Tsunami? 

Tsunami: What? 

Tsunamilion: Sunny? 

Sunny: Here! 

Tsunamilion: Moon. Wait, I transported both Moon and Qibli, Kinkajou?

Kinkajou: Right here, with my best friends! 

Tsunamilion: ....I should have known you would react like that....Turtle? 

Turtle: h-here

Tsunamilion: Peril? 

Peril: Here! 

Tsunamilion: Winter? 

Winter: ...this is just...weird

Tsunamilion: Ooookkkayyyy, um, Deathbringer? 

Deathbringer: Yeah? 

Tsunamilion: Fatespeaker: 

Fatespeaker: He-

Deathbringer: Why is it, that dragons call my name but don't talk to me? 

Glory: You should listen more, fur for brains

Deathbringer: You should listen more

Glory: No. you should-

Tsunamilion: RIPTIDE?! 

Riptide: Yup? 

Tsunamilion: Good, we're all here. Soo. Everyone, huddle around Deathbringer and Glory because boy do they have a story to tell

Glory: What story? 

Tsunamilion: this is a truth from....drum roll please...Glorybringer_24-7 

Deathbringer: What's the dare? 

Tsunamilion: You have to tell ALL of us what you whispered to Glory when she and Tsunami were fighting

Deathbringer: *eyes widen* we have to? 

Glory: no. You don't. It's a truth

Deathbringer: I knew that...

Tsunamilion: Fine. She DARES you to tell us

Deathbringer: Moons...

Peril: *smirking* Go ahead, Bringer. Tell us. 

Deathbringer: told

Riptide: Tell us. Tell us. Tell us. 

Everyone: tell us. Tell us. Tell us! 

Tsunami: I knew I fell in love with you for a reason! 

Deathbringer: I told her that if she doesn't stop then we won't have date night

Kinkajou: ....*glancing around obliviously*

Turtle: ....*eyes wide*

Winter: ....*horrified*

Tsunami: ....*grinning* 

Clay: ...I didn't need to know that....again. 

Peril: I already knew

Riptide: *trying not to laugh* 

Starflight: ....*facetalon* 

Fatespeaker: ....*shaking her head* 

Sunny: ....Ick...

Glory: ....*uncomfortable* 

Tsunamilion: *laughing her head off* Okay, okay, thanks for telling us the PG version. *Turns to face the camera* And that's all for tonight folks! I hope you have a good day/night! 

Turtle: Who are you talking too? 

Wings of Fire: Truth or DareOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant