"Ohh." She hummed.

She was very curious and actually seemed fascinated in the smallest things.

His lips curved into a smirk after he noticed that she really isn't doing anything right now and is absentmindedly almost watching him get ready for the day. He had no shirt on but it didn't stop her from blushing here and there.

"You bored ain't you?" He asked her. She looked up and shook her head. "No.." she denied.

She had eaten breakfast already thanks to him going grocery shopping the other day and she, again, had taken her shower as well as he did. He really had nothing much planned for the day.

"Yeah you is. Thass why you askin' me all 'em questions 'n shit. Gon' 'n watch TV or somethin'." He said, shooing her away like a fly and she walked out of the room with a small excited smile.

She was always used to watching random YouTube videos on her phone like YouTube to kill time. TV was never really an option living with her cousins.

He heard the movie Juice playing from his room and he shook his head. "She watchin' that again?" He said to himself.

She was anxious for a snack but was a little hesitant to ask for anymore of his groceries so she sat there in silence—but a peaceful one. She was satisfied enough sitting down on the couch.

All of a sudden, his doorbell rang. She paused and looked back at it, glancing back at the TV before solemnly standing to her feet. She looked out the window and just saw a car on the side of the street casually parked.

It gave her a green light to do him a favor and answer the door before he arrived there. She unlocked the door and opened it, looking out of it, into the outside. But nobody was there. She noticed the car parked on the side of the street began to move-

It was silent for a second—

Michael emerged from the hallway and instantly his eyes widened as soon as shots were fired. "Aye! Watch out, jit!" He exclaimed, rushing up behind Naija to move her out the way before she could react.

He shielded her partially as his arm wrapped around her waist while she hid her face in his chest, covering her eyes with her oversized sweatshirt sleeves.

They proceeded to shoot, breaking windows 'n such before Michael pulled out his gun and walked further into the doorway, aiming it at them while shielding Naija at the same time. His lip was tucked under his teeth as he shot back, hitting their car.

Their tires screeched. "That'a show yo ass!" One familiar man stuck his head out the roof of the car. "Try us again!" He yelled out and drove away with speed.

Michael kissed his teeth and let go of Naija who almost tumbled to the floor, "Come back here since you so bold!" He yelled out and shot at nothing in particular.

"Shit," he muttered, coming back into the house where he locked eyes of almost fury at Naija who stood by the couch with her hands still to her mouth in the oversized sweater. Her eyes were frightened and she was nervous for obvious reasons.

He slammed the door shut and locked it, exhaling deeply through his nose, gathering his thoughts. "You see why I'on want you answerin' the door for nobody? Look what the fuck jus' happened, jit!" His voice was raised and he was genuinely angry.

She kept her eyes to the floor, not daring to look up. It was almost like she was getting yelled at by her father.

"You almost got yo ass shot again. How i'mma trust you ta be here alone now?" He crossed his arms. His eyes glanced outside again before fixating on her again.

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