Can you imagine picking the name out like Benjamin then your kid comes out as a wrinkly baby? All I can think of is Benjamin Button. I almost choke on my Beer remembering that fiasco of a conversation.

"It will come to you. Don't stress over it." Elik's granny pats me on the shoulder.

We don't see either set of grandparents as much as we should. They both retired to colder weather long ago. I guess that is what you do when you had lived on the beach all your life. I won't do that. But, they did.

People mingle and eat. Some play on the shore line, while others sit next to the pool. Elik's parents walk around keeping things in order. Aunt Molly studies every corner of the cake. She's probably looking for a weak spot in the icing to get a peak at the gender. It's a good idea. But, Yani wouldn't be so generic.

As the crowd sits lazily, full off of the delicious food, Yani claps her hands. I smile at her knowing the time is coming.

I gather up the heard to get them all on the sand. That's where it is going to be. That much I knew.

Chance walks around handing out these little confetti poppers to everyone. The guest get giddy as each of them take one. I smile. I'm so excited.

After checking to make sure everyone has one, Elik and I stand in front of everyone and hold ours up for show.

I laugh when Broady goes up to Mom and Dad, Uncle Ian and Aunt Molly. He pushes them to stand beside us as they look confused.

"So, the first thing is." Yani squeals and barely makes the announcement. "We're having twins."

A round of applause followed by a chorus of hoots and hollers sound off.

"Dek, Molly and Maggie are holding Baby A's gender. Elik, Zayne and Ian have Baby B. If you have a corresponding design on your popper that's what baby you are holding." I smile wickedly. She's too cute.

"Dek and everyone holding the hearts, pop on the count of three. On the count of ten pop the stars Elik."

I see the photographer and videographer taking positions and wait for the count.

On three, Blue glitter and powder litters the air, causing a series of high fives. I turn to Elik and smile. I wait for the count to ten and almost lose my shit when pink follows behind the blue.

"Both. It's both. Oh God." My tears fall quickly as I jump into Elik's arms bringing him down into the sand. I kiss him manically as he pulls me back to give me his gorgeous smile.

"Congratulations Daddy." I lean down and passionately kiss the amazing man that has given me literally everything.

"Same to you Daddy." His kiss is gentler and just as loving.

Broady and Chance help us up as we are engulfed in hugs.

"A princess and a slugger. Two hearts to love." Dad goes to wiping his eyes like he just received the best gift.

"You two are good with secrets. That's scary." Uncle Ian kisses our heads and hugs us both.

The validity of our new journey sinks in fast. I think about the fact that we are about to embark into fatherhood. It's exciting. It's also scary as hell. I have never changed a diaper. I hope YouTube has parenting 101.

"What's strolling through that beautiful mind love?" Elik wraps his arms around me and pulls my back to his chest. We face the ocean, a mighty expanse of never ending dreams.

"Everything. I'm just praying that we don't fuck these little kids up too bad." I chuckle because I'm nervous and that is what I do.

"You will be amazing. I will follow your lead. We will blame everything on Broady." Elik kisses my cheek and I hum in approval. That's a great idea.

"Fuck you two. I'm going to be the coolest uncle ever." Broady slugs my arm playfully.

"Shhhh. Someone has to be the fall guy. You drew the short stick." I laugh when he pretends to tackle me.

"You're going to be great, do great things. It's inevitable. You two were made for this. Just do like you always do. Face everything head on. No one can say you aren't a fighter. Fight for these two like you always do. It will turn out better than you think." I stand in awe at Broady's accolades. Boy can he be smart.

"Alright Ghandi." Elik smiles.

"Stole a page from Dek's speech book. You have one of those don't you?" Broady smirks at me and I just blush. Maybe. Maybe Not.

"Come on. We need to wrap up this party so everyone that isn't our norms can get on the road." Elik pulls me with him.

We say goodbye to grandparents, coworkers, friends and friends of friends. When were left with the normal group of house mates, parents, Marcus and Jamie, I breathe a sigh of relief.

The cleaners are busy getting everything taken care of and we take our presents to the nursery. That used to be Broady's room. But, he moved into Zaya's.

"So, two of everything." Aunt Molly gives a giggle and wraps her arms around my waist.

"I hope you all realize it takes a village to raise two children. You are the village. Please be the village." I plead as I look around the room.

"At your service. You may want to get a schedule together. I'm practically going to be living here in three months." Zayne chuckles as he explains his new obsession.

"You're quite attached." Elik chides his dad.

"I never expected this much from life, truthfully. It's like all your dreams are coming true and I get the pleasure of enjoying them becoming my dreams." Elik hugs his Dad hard as Zayne goes soft.

"You will all be welcome anytime." I make sure they know that we aren't planning on doing this journey alone. Love got us here. Love will keep us on the right path.

"Names?" Marcus looks at me from his place on Jamie's lap.

"We really haven't made any decisions. The ideas are there but, they continually change." Elik pulls me down into his lap. I collapse there and squeeze him hard. This man. Fuck he's everything.

"You got time." Yani smiles and rubs her belly. I'm so wanting to do that. I make grabby hands towards her and she waddles into my arms.

I kiss her belly and rub the large bulge. I place my face against it, enjoying the commotion of our two babies.

"I'm going to miss this when it's over." Yani smiles and runs her hands thru my hair.

"The attention or the kickboxers?" Jamie laughs.

"The babies. I am so in love with them. Not in a creepy, I won't want to give them to you guys way, but it is something else to feel them growing." Yani wipes a tear. I can't tell if it's hormones or emotions. Hopefully love.

"We can have our own as soon as you're ready." Chance grabs Yani and pulls her into him.

"Yeah, we can." She turns in his arms and lays her head against his chest.

"Seriously, I already know baby fever is gonna get real contagious, real fast." Cherry smiles at Cali.

"In time. I'm not sharing so soon." Cali kisses her girlfriend softly.

"I said the same thing." Elik pulls me tighter. "Now, I don't think I could give up the chance to watch this man right here be so happy."

I lean down and capture his sweet lips.

Yeah. Our kids, they are going to be an amazing addition. A pair of hearts to complement a pair of kings.

"What are we doing for the rest of the night?" Uncle Ian looks to us for plans.

"Yani? You up to anything?" I ask softly. She's the one who should be dead on her feet.

"Anything. I think I have more energy pregnant than normally." Yani gives me a wink and I chuckle. I know. I hear her and Chance poking at our babies all the time. I sure hope they don't know what the hell is going on.

"Let me treat you all to a night out. Come on. A celebration for the additions we are about to welcome." With that we all stand up and start locating the things we will need for a night on the town.

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