Two badboys...-Chapter 15

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Late for my first date, classic Shantelle.

By the time I'd convinced Shae to drive me home, I had only a few minutes before Jayden was due to arrive.

"So where are you going exactly?" asked Shae as she followed me up the stairs "I've got to head back to talk to the master, I don't want you doing anything dangerous"

I swallowed nervously before ducking into my room, hoping she wouldn't see my burning cheeks.

"Oh just out" I said vaguely, trying to sound casual as I slid open my wardrobe. I swore mentally; what was I going to wear? Was it an official date? Was I expected to wear a skirt? Dress? Heels?

I bit my lip as I rummaged through my clothes. Black, black, black, grey, black, white...Urgh! Why did I have no nice clothes?

"Out where?" Shae persisted, seating herself on my bed

"Oh you know, friend" I mumbled nonchalantly, finally grabbing a loose white shirt and acid washed shorts. I quickly locked myself in the bathroom, avoiding Shae's suspicious look

"Why are you being so secretive?" she asked through the door

"What do you mean?" I asked, hurriedly splashing some water on my face and grimacing at the dark circles beneath my eyes. I fumbled with the mascara bottle, my vision blurring for a minute. I knocked over my pile of makeup into the sink as black dots clouded my vision. I leant heavily on the sink, taking deep breaths as I struggled to refocus.

"Shantelle? Are you ok in there?" Shae sounded worried

"F-fine" I stuttered quickly, momentarily holding my head. Everywhere ached and my head felt heavy.

"Are you sure?" I cut off Shae's question as I pushed open the door, a smile plastered on my face.

"Yeah of course, just clumsy" I brushed it off, grabbing my phone and wallet from my bedside table.

I turned around to see Shae open her mouth with another question no doubt when suddenly the doorbell rang. My eyes met Shae's and we both sat stock still. Then suddenly I launched myself at the door as Shae jumped off my bed. I skid around the corner, narrowly missing crashing into the banister before I half fell down the stairs. I risked a glance behind me just as Shae lunged at me, her fingers just catching short of me. Slipping slightly on the slick floor, I maneuvered my way to the front door, running a slightly shaky hand through my unruly hair.

"Shantelle!" hissed Shae as she caught up to me, grabbing my wrist as I moved to open the door.

"What?" I asked, the nerves getting to me as I yanked my hand from hers

"It's Jayden" she whispered, jerking her head at the door

"I know" I admitted, avoiding her eyes

"What do you-wait.." she stopped, suddenly leaning in closer "Are you going out on a date? With him?" her voice cracked slightly at the end

"I...uhhh" I scratched the back of my neck, shooting her a guilty smile "maybe"

"But" her eyes widened before drawing into a frown "What about Phil? I don't like this Shantelle. I don't like Jayden's character"

I sighed exasperatedly, finally side stepping her and twisting the doorknob "Look, it's my decision. I'll be fine"

Shae sent me a worried look before ducking into the next room as I opened the door fully.

"Hey" I said with a nervous smile, looking up. I felt my breath catch in my throat.

If my eyes weren't bulging in shock, I'd probably be crying.

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