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𝐓𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐃𝐀𝐘, 𝐀𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐋 𝟑𝟎𝐓𝐇, 𝟖𝟓𝟎 𝐀𝐓 𝟏𝟏:𝟒𝟏


  You carefully avoided your finger as you pulled the needle and thread through the pale cloth -that had a hint of a slight bronze- trying your best to avoid staining it with your blood should you prick your finger. Currently, both you and Hanji Zoë were sitting inside your shared tent, sitting on your respective cots in silence as the both of you worked on the body of the two dummies you were trying to make, 'I really wonder if Chica and Albert will go after these dummies we're making. I mean, if they do, this could potentially be something that we could exploit on expeditions, we could try and throw dummies at titans who are getting too close to the centre of formation should anything happen. Or maybe use them to distract the titans away from the exit of the Walls when we leave for said expeditions, try to lure them away without risking the lives of fellow soldiers. If they ignore them however, it means that they can't easily be tricked via visuals. At least I think anyways, because if they aren't fooled by these, with how accurately we're going to try and make them, then they probably use their sense of smell to distinguish where humans are and aren't. Of course, it could always be a mix of both senses...'

  Letting out a small sigh, you straightened your back and focused on your work once more. Since the last experiment, the one where you and the section commander had cut off their limbs for measurement, you hadn't really progressed much as the last few days had been spent mostly observing how the titans react in their new environment. It was safe to say that they hadn't acted any different -other than moving around a lot more given that they weren't tied down any longer- and your notebook remained unwritten in since that last experiment.

  "Hey Hanji? Did you ever copy down my notes from the other day?"

  "Huh? What do you mean?"

  "The notes from when we had to go down in the dark and measure how long their arms had been, from the rocks and stuff."

  "Oh," she said as it dawned on her what you were talking about, "Yeah, after you had gone to sleep that night I had remembered and well, I uh, borrowed your journal for a little to copy them down."

  You snorted as you observed the way she kind of shrugged her shoulders out of the corner of your eye while placing the emphasis on the word borrowed, "Eh, it's whatever. At least you've got them copied down and such."

  "Actually, I've been meaning to ask," she started, "Personally, I'm almost certain that they regenerated to the same measurements, or if they didn't, it was so miniscule that it wasn't big enough to be able to make a distinguishable difference. But what do you think?"

  Taking a moment to think, you stopped sewing and processed the data in your head once more, 'I mean, everything about the titans is so strange. I wouldn't be that surprised if they honestly did regenerate to the same exact measurements -it certainly seems like it anyways, Hanji isn't wrong.'

  "I guess they had regenerated the limbs back to the same length," you began, "Or at least, like you said, the small difference couldn't be told. Either way, the potential difference won't hinder or help us, so I suppose in the end it would almost be irrelevant in the big scheme of things, right?"

  Giving a small scoff, the sepia hair of the girl swayed back and forth slightly as she shook her head, "Nothing about the titans is irrelevant! Who knows, the smallest detail could lead to the biggest breakthrough."

  "I do agree, to beat the titans we need to know a whole awful lot about them, but will this one tiny detail make so much of a difference?"

  "Do you really want me to go on this whole spiel on how any bit of information on the titans could be fundamental in turning the war against them?"

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