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  You patted the taut, black wires that ensnared the titan, effectively keeping it in place and preventing it from bringing countless people to their premature demise. The hazel spheres of the three-metre giant closely watched your every move from its spot, trying to find an opportunity to jump at you and spill your blood on the ground, "Yeah, you weren't kidding when you said that they're not going anywhere!" you shouted over to your partner in crime with a laugh. Hanji herself was looking over the other titan that she and the Special Operations Squad had secured for testing, giving you a bright and toothy grin and moving her gaze away from it, now directing it to you, "I told you so!" She paused for a moment before she started a new train of thought, one that was also prevalent in your mind, "I'm so glad we'll finally be able to test on them again, it's been a while since our last batch."

  She made her way over to you with a noticeable pep in her step, "Don't you think?" Looking between both titans, a fond smile found its way on your face despite their murderous, gorey pasts, "It has been too long," you voiced, then continuing when you turned your hues to Hanji, "It's been what, six months?" She looked past your head and at nothing in particular, something she tended to do when pondering over something, "I think so, just about anyways. Either way, we finally have our babies back! Well, different ones... but still!"

  Letting out a chuckle, you replied, "You're right, we do. Hey, speaking of, are we going with the regular procedure?"

  She pulled out a ribboned tape measurer with a teasing smirk, the same one that she had pulled out countless times before whenever she needed to measure some part of a titan, "You betcha!" You inwardly groaned at her response, "Ughhh, do we have to...? It'd be faster to just skip onto the testing part!" While you tried reasoning with her, you already knew what her answer would be, "Now, now, now (Y/N), we kinda need these measurements to test properly and you know that."

  "Fine," you dragged out, "Let's just get this over with." As annoyed as you acted about it, you honestly didn't mind it that much; it was more of the fact that you wanted to start the experiments right away that made you act like it was the worst thing ever.

  "That's the spirit!" Hanji encouraged, before looking back at you, "What one do you want to start with?"

  "Let's get the easiest one out of the way first, so the nine-metre one." Hanji nodded along in agreement before walking over -most people would assume that the smaller the titan, the easier it was to test on, but you found it working the other way. Even if the nine-metre one was bigger, that meant that it was laying down -in comparison to the three-metre one, who was sitting up- and therefore it was easier to reach. For the three-metre one, the both of you were going to have to climb on its back, while Hanji's squad -who was always watching over the both of you whenever you were near the titans- stood on guard and closer to it, ready to kill the beast, or at the very least hinder it, at a moment's notice should it be needed, "Just be careful around his mouth, we never know what he is going to try and do." you reminded her.

  "Who are you, Mother Moblit?"

  Snorting, you replied, "Nah, but maybe I'll have to take his role since he's not here right now."

  "Please, you can't possibly replicate him."

  "'Oh, Section Commander Hanji,'" you started, feigning a troubled mind and putting a hand to your forehead, "'Please step away from that titan! It's too dangerous, you're going to get killed!'"

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