12: Movie Night

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After practice, I sprint to my car with Britt and Ansley trailing behind me. Correction: SLOWLY trailing behind me. I'm very excited to hang out with Trevor and they are holding me up! I open my trunk and throw my cheer bag and backpack in and leave the door open for them to do the same. I get settled in the car and turn it on, waiting for my two slow-poke friends. When they finally reach my car, they get in and Ansley asks, "Say why are you in such a rush to go home?"
Before I can answer Britt cuts in, saying, "Oh Say does this have anything to do with whatever made you smile at your phone during first period?"

I begin blushing like crazy. I simply respond, "I have to shower before Trevor gets to my house for movie night."

The two girls in my car shriek in celebration that I'm hanging out with him again. They begin bombarding me with questions such as what movie we're watching, what I'm wearing, and the one that leaves me without an answer: if I'm going to tell him that I like him. I reply slowly, unsure of exactly what to say, saying, "I'm letting him choose the movie, I'm wearing sweatpants, and maybe."

They seem fairly satisfied with my responses and leave me alone for the rest of the drive. Since Ansley lives the closest to school, I drop her off first. We say our goodbyes and I begin driving to Britt's house. I break the silence, saying, "What's your deal? You haven't been talking about any guys recently."

She gives me a nervous look and then looks down at her hands. She says, "I have a crush on one of Peter's friends but I know he'll kill me if he ever finds out so I'm trying to get over it."

This shocks me. Britt is never afraid of her brother and she has definitely gone after his friends. Suddenly, realization hits me that it must be Peter's BEST friend. "Holy fudge you have a crush on Jack?!" I yell.

"Don't say it so loud!" Britt yells at me, confirming that I'm correct.

I chuckle at her and say, "Britt, we're in the car. No one can hear us."

She rolls her eyes at me and then makes me swear to secrecy. Obviously I'm not going to tell anyone. We pull up to her house and as she is walking to her front door, she turns around and yells, "Have fun! Use protection!"

Once she is inside I drive away and head towards my house, going way over the speed limit. I get to my house and bring my bags inside, locking my car. It is about 6:30 when I get home, so I have time to get ready. I bring my bags into my room and open my cheer bag, which has my school uniform in it. I toss my uniform into my hamper and then grab my robe and towels to go shower.

I turn on my speaker and play some Olivia O'Brien to get me through my shower. I use my favorite shampoo and conditioner today because I want my hair to smell extra good. I even take the time to shave and exfoliate, which I would had to have done for the halloween party tomorrow anyway. I get out of the shower and dry off, and then put on my robe and pick out an outfit. I choose a pair of grey joggers from Brandy Melville and an oversized New York Islanders t-shirt. I was raised an Islanders fan because my parents are both from Long Island. They only moved here a few years before they had me.

I head back to the bathroom to blowdry my hair, but I give up halfway through because my hair is so thick. I decide to not put makeup on because if he doesn't like me without makeup on, he doesn't actually like me. I go back to my room and plug in my phone and throw on a pair of fuzzy socks. It's only 7:40, so I have time before Trevor gets here. I head downstairs to find my parents who are cleaning up from dinner. They know I usually don't eat dinner at home on Fridays, so they never wait for me. My mom looks up and greets me, "Hey honey! How was school and practice today?"

I give her a smile and say, "Good, but exhausting. How was work?"
"Same here!" my mom laughs.

I change the subject, asking, "Can I have a friend over to watch a movie tonight?"

My mom asks typical mom questions, "Who and what time?"

I look at her sheepishly and say, "Trevor and in about 15 minutes."

My mom gasps and says, "You should've told me sooner! I didn't get to clean the house!"

I look around at our already clean house and then stare at her. I say, "He won't mind. Thanks mom!"

I head back to my room and pull some blankets out of my closet. If we're watching a movie we have to be comfortable. I make sure the movie room looks nice and cozy and then I plop myself on the couch. A few minutes later, I hear my doorbell ring, so I jump up and yell, "I got it!"

I sprint to the door and pause to catch my breath before I open it. Trevor is standing there with damp hair wearing a green hoodie and black joggers. He looks so cute. I look down and notice he's holding a bag of ice cream from my favorite place. He pulls me into a hug and says, "Hey you!"

Heart. Is. Melting. I blush and look up at him, saying, "Hey! How was school and practice?"

After I ask that I move out of the way so he can enter my house. He takes the hint and enters and I begin to walk to the movie room. He says, "They were dragging on because I was so excited to see you. How about you?"

I open my mouth to speak but I am cut off by the sound of Trevor's voice as we pass the kitchen.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell! How are you?" Trevor says sweetly.

I roll my eyes at him jokingly as he catches up with my parents. When we continue walking, I answer him, "Pretty much the same but some girl hurt her ankle while she was tumbling so that was kind of exciting... and scary. She had to go to the emergency room."

Trevor chuckles and we both sit on the couch. He opens the bag of ice cream and hands me a container. I open it and see my favorite: mint chocolate chip with hot fudge. I give him a confused look as I do not remember telling him this is my favorite. I ask, "How did you know?"

He looks down and shyly says, "I wanted to surprise you so I texted Britt and asked."

I laugh at his sweetness and then hug him again and thank him. We decide to watch "Us" because Trevor has never seen it. I agreed because I saw how excited he was, but I am freaking out on the inside. I hate scary movies. My face is buried into his side for most of the movie because I'm scared. I know, I'm a baby.

Once the movie ends we turn on "The Office" but it is mainly playing in the background while we talk. Trevor teases me for being so afraid of the movie. We talk about random things for almost two hours. Around midnight, Trevor gets up to leave. It's now or never, Saylor. I speak up, "I had a lot of fun tonight."

Trevor smiles and says, "So did I. We should do this more often."

I nod and stay silent for a moment. Then I speak again, "I really like hanging out with you..."

Trevor opens his mouth to reply but I cut him off and continue, "I- uh, I really like you."

I look at the ground nervously, but I feel Trevor's hand on my chin, moving my head so I'm looking at him. He leans in and kisses me softly. He then says, "I really like you too, Say."

I smile, but say nothing. Trevor has to go home, so I walk him to the front door and he kisses me goodbye.

"I'll see you at Jack's party tomorrow, yeah?" he asks me.

"See you then," I reply with a smile.

He smiles back before walking out the door. I close the door and run to my room with a huge smile on my face.


A/N: Sorry this chapter was so long I actually didn't even plan for this to happen when I originally had the idea to write this book but I started and then got carried away so here it is!

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