4: Saylor's Secret

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Trevor POV

I am left speechless by Saylor. I really thought we hit it off, I don't know why she won't give it a chance. I go into the family room and sit down. All the guys are still sleeping, but I look up when I hear someone coming down the stairs. I am so happy when I see Britt walking in my direction. She smiles at me and walks into the kitchen. I get up and follow her. She turns around, looking at me, and says, "Um... Good morning Trevor?"

I don't acknowledge her greeting. I blurt out, "I need to talk to you... about Saylor."

She whips her head around with a worried look. "You didn't get with her last night did you?" she nervously asks me.

A little confused, I reply, "Uh, no. We actually had a really nice conversation this morning and I asked her to go on a date with me but she said no."

Britt just giggles. Then, she sighs. I give her an expectant look, waiting for her to respond. She realizes that I seriously want her to explain so she begins to talk. "She just needs time to readjust to life. She's not gonna let you in right away, but she's definitely worth waiting for," she says before taking her glass of juice and going back upstairs.

What does she mean "readjust to life"? And why won't she let me in?

Saylor POV

I hop out of Britt's shower which I may or may not have hijacked while she was still asleep and put on the extra clothes I brought with me to her house. I brush my hair out and let it air dry, brush my teeth, and apply some makeup. I walk out of the bathroom to see Britt sitting on her bed waiting for me. I give her a confused, half-smile, and sit on her floor in front of her. She opens her mouth to speak and then closes it. She is still thinking about what to say. "Say, what did you promise me when you got home?" she asks me.

Shit. She must have talked to Trevor while I was in the shower. I look down at my lap and mumble some words that she can barely hear. She looks at me with her hand to her ear, signaling that she can't hear me. I groan and say, "I promised that I wouldn't shut people out."

Looking satisfied with my answer, Britt nods and says, "I'm not telling you what to do, but he's one of the good ones and you'd have beautiful children," as she gets up to go shower. I roll my eyes and go downstairs to see the rest of the boys had woken up. I greet them all with a good morning and plop myself on the couch to watch some New Girl while they are all getting ready. I am practically a resident in the Woods' house. Peter walks into the family room and laughs. He always teases me for my obsession with New Girl but I can't help it; it's such a good show.

"Are you ladies gonna hang with us today?" Peter asks me, interrupting my show.

I turn around, looking at him with an annoyed expression plastered on my face. I ask, "What exactly does that entail?"

I guess I stumped him. He sits down and thinks for a minute. I patiently wait for him to answer. "Well it's Saturday," he thinks out loud while I nod along, "maybe we can all get lunch and then watch some movies?"

I look around the room. There are cups littering the entire space, a slice of pizza on the floor, and someone's bra hanging from the ceiling fan. "Maybe we can do that after we clean up the mess from last night. Your parents will kill you both, and probably me, if they find out you had a party while they were gone," I say to Peter.

Peter also looks around the room and his eyes grow wide. "Shit," he mumbles to himself. He then looks back to me and says, "Ok, you're right. But let's eat first and then clean. I'm starving!"

I laugh as I stand up to go tell Britt the plan and to go find Ansley, who mysteriously disappeared. As I walk into Britt's room, she is finishing applying her makeup. I explain the plan that Peter and I had just come up with and then ask where Ansley is. Britt tells me Ansley fell asleep in the basement, so she is probably still down there. I go down to look for her, and when I find her, I tell her the plan for the day, too. She shoots up immediately when I tell her she has fifteen minutes to get ready. We aren't actually on a time constraint, but if I let her take her time getting ready, we'd be eating our lunch next Wednesday.

Once everyone is ready, we decide to go to a pizza parlor, but not before Britt, Ansley and I snuck in a few mirror selfies. We decide to take two cars instead of smushing into one. I offer to drive, and Trevor immediately volunteers to come in my car. I end up taking Trevor, who calls shotgun, Britt, and Ansley. Peter has himself, Jack, Quinn, and Alex. We divide into the cars and left for the pizza place.

 We divide into the cars and left for the pizza place

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The girls' outfits


A/N: I hope you guys are enjoying it so far! Please vote or leave a comment so I know people are actually reading lol

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