10: The Kiss

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Trevor POV

My jaw drops. Did this girl seriously just kiss me? And then say we are friends? Did she not feel that spark? I am literally speechless. I take a bite out of my sandwich and look at her. She smiles at me and giggles. She is so cute.

I understand why she doesn't want to date yet. She's afraid because of her past. However, she just kissed me. So she must have some feelings for me. Right?

"So do you kiss all your friends?" I ask her, breaking the silence.

"Only the really cute ones," Saylor replies with a smirk. Oh, she's good. I decide to continue the sarcasm, saying, "Interesting... So how was it kissing THE Jack Hughes?"

Saylor bursts into laughter. "You think Jack's really cute? You got a crush on him, Zegras?" she says between fits of laughter. She's so cute. I love when she calls me Zegras.

The rest of the time we are there we talk and we even have a little dance party to the music that we are listening to. I spin her around like a princess when slower songs are playing, and we both jump along with the beat to the more upbeat songs. At around 10:30, we head back to my car since we both have school tomorrow. The car ride home is quiet, but comfortable... for the most part. We are listening to "Loving You Easy" by Zac Brown Band when Saylor breaks the silence.

"I am only asking so I can have an answer for Britt when I get home," she says, continuing, "um... was this, like, a date?"

Oh, look who's nervous now! Finally she's showing some vulnerability around me. But that is a solid question. I'm not sure if this was a date.

"Do you want it to be a date?" I ask her. She looks over at me, biting her lip in thought.

"I mean... I guess so?" she says questioningly. Wait WHAT? My head snaps in her direction and I say, "Really?"

Saylor nods slowly, so I begin to ramble, saying, "Ok, ok, but can it be a practice date? Because I can do better and I want to go into it knowing it's a date and I really don't want to mess it up because I really like you."

"Yes, yes, it can be a practice date, sure. Sounds good," Saylor says, laughing at how nervous I just got. We pull up to her house, and I put my car in park and reach to open my door so I can walk her to her door. Saylor grabs my arm before I get out and says, "Trev, if it's a practice date we're practicing all of it," before pulling me closer to her.

I look into her eyes to look for any sign of hesitation. I just see the usual sparkle in her eyes that never fail to make me smile. Without further hesitation, I press my lips to hers. This kiss isn't like the kiss from earlier. This kiss lasts much longer, and makes me feel like we're the only two people in the world. Saylor deepens the kiss, licking my lip for entry. I like a girl who takes charge. We are fully making out when Saylor pulls away, and opens her car door.

"Goodnight Trev. Thanks for tonight," she says, before getting out and walking into her house. Holy shit. This girl always leaves so abruptly, but she always makes sure she leaves you wanting more.

Saylor POV

I close my front door, locking it, and then run up to my room. Before I even think about what just happened, I change into an old hoodie and a pair of shorts. I then head to the bathroom to take off my makeup, do my skincare routine, and brush my teeth. Once I am back in my room, I put my hair in a bun and open snapchat. I send Trevor a snap that says, "Thanks again for tonight. Miss you already." Immediately after I hit send, my phone starts ringing. Britt's facetime me. I pick up and she immediately begins talking. She says, "Hi sorry I was stalking snapmaps to see when you would be home and when you FINALLY got home I had to call to get details about this mystery not date."

Holy crap how is she not out of breath from that sentence jeez. I laugh at her excitement and say, "It wasn't a 'mystery not date' dummy. It was a practice date. Obviously."

Of course, she starts squealing. If she wasn't being too loud, she wouldn't be Britt. "Oh my goodness how did it go tell me everything!!!!" Britt screams at me excitedly.

I explain the whole set up of the date and all the little details that he remembered that he incorporated and then told her about the first kiss. She begins freaking out, so I stop for a minute to let her get it all out. When she is done, I continue telling her about the conversation on the car ride home and then finish with what went down when we got to my house.

"Saylor Mitchell you are an evil, evil, human," Britt says to me when I'm done. I laugh at how dramatic she is, before hanging up and putting my phone on the charger. I turn off my light and crawl into bed, falling asleep with the biggest smile on my face.


A/N: Sorry this is trash it's kind of a filler be patient. Love you all pls vote and comment I just want someone to show me affection hahaha I'm dead inside

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