02: social interactions are draining

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 When I get inside Lakeside High, it is evident that everybody but me is excited about the new school year

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 When I get inside Lakeside High, it is evident that everybody but me is excited about the new school year.

If I could describe school in one word, it would be exhausting. And that's exactly what school is. Absolutely. Exhausting. From the waking up early in the mornings for seven fricking times a week, six hours spent in a boring room filled with annoying kids and grown-ups who drone on and on about nothing, to the tiring fact that everybody talks too much.

They tell us to dream big, but continues to tell what to think, do, wear, and act for twelve years, then drop us like, 'Have fun with your life now! We can't help you, and pLoT tWiSt, most of the things we taught you were totes irrelevant but nevermind about that! You'll be fine! (not...) LOL.'

"Mavis!!" Screeches the cheery voice of Calli from behind me as I open my locker. "Oh my god! I've missed you sooo much!"

I turn around, hugging one of my oldest friends. "Heey," I say. "You're in a good mood today." I survey her, blue space buns, ripped jeans, striped 'No.' shirt and all.

"Um, yeah," She said in a duh tone. "Today is the day of Aiden T's infamous first-day-of-school traditional parties. We are definitely going. Since you live right next to him, we'll get ready at your place."

"I don't like Aiden, remember? And, uh... we?" I make a face at Callie.

"Yes, we," She says excitedly. "You lost the bet, remember? And who cares! You'll probably not run into him." She rubs her chin thoughtfully "We only have homeroom and lunch together... Wonder if I can change that..."

My eyes widen in realization as I remember the bet Calli and I made in the summer before I left. We were betting on if the "mystery girl" would say yes to Noah, and I had bet no, losing.

He and "mystery girl" didn't last a week.

I groan, making puppy dog eyes at Calli. "C'mon, Calli, can't I skip out? Just this once?"

Calli rolls her bright brown eyes. "No. I already planned what we're going to wear and trust me, it's going to get you a boyfriend."

"I don't want a boyfriend," I whine.

"A date, then." Calli's enthusiasm was endless.

"I don't want a date," I state.

Calli ignored my complaints as we walked to first period. "Honestly, Mavi, I bet under all your oversized sweaters and shirts and shapeless fashion, you're actually really hot. And if you tried, you'd probably have the boys falling for you, left and right."

"Mhm," I push open the door to homeroom. "That sounds absolutely fascinating. Truly."

Calli whips her head around to face me, light brown hair flipping. She places her hands on my shoulders, looking at me seriously. "Mavi,"

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