BONUS: Taekook in quarantine

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A surprise bonus chapter of what they would be like in quarantine during a pandemic! Enjoy!!!!! Will go back into the normal storyline soon, hope you are all doing well. Stay safe out there. 

Taehyung's eyes flutter open and he looks at the tv in front of him and he sits up from his uncomfortable sleeping position and sits up stretching his back feeling it crack. The noise startles Jungkook who had been focusing on the news watching the charts go up of number of cases in South Korea. A pandemic is sort of like a war with how many outbreaks and deaths it sends shivers down his spine just thinking about it. He hits Taehyung's shoulder lightly to get his attention. 

"what did you do, that was so loud!" Jungkook signs and Taehyung sleepily tilts his head. "you know I can't hear" he says and he even points to his ear where it is clear he has no hearing aid in or anything in this moment. 

"sorry" jungkook signs "It sounded like something exploding" he mumbles but Taehyung can make it out through what he counts as his 'super cool reading of his lovers lips'. When it is someone else's lips he calls it 'a boring task' because he could care less what certain people want to talk about with him. 

"I cracked my back" Taehyung says his voice low and is followed by a yawn. 

"Are you okay?" Jungkook signs worried "is it broken?" he adds

"no silly, it was just stiff, I didn't crack it in half" Taehyung says loudly. Jungkook lets out a huge sigh of relief. 

Taehyung gets up and starts walking away from the living room, "Where are you-" jungkook stops himself halfway through his sentence realizing Taehyung doesn't hear him. He grabs a small pillow from behind his back and throws it regretting his decision. If he wasn't so lazy he could have just walked up and tapped his shoulder. 

"What was that for?" Taehyung signs with his face showing an expression that scares Jungkook, its a strong 'do you want to die" look with his eyes looking as sharp as knives. 

"I missed you" Jungkook signs and he pouts, thats not at all why he did it, he just thought if he said "because I wanted to know where you were going" would get him kicked into the future. 

Taehyung rolls his eyes then points to the bathroom as a way to tell Jungkook 'don't worry I will be right back'. 

Without Taehyung by his side it feels like time is going by so slowly and Jungkook hates it. A few minutes later he hears aggressive clapping, he looks up and sees taehyung signing "we need to go to the store" 

Jungkook signs back "why?" 

Taehyung yawns "we are out of toilet paper" he mumbles tiredly. 

"we can go first thing in the morning" jungkook says slow enough for Taehyung to read his lips but not too slow that Taehyung won't be able to and will get annoyed at him, again. 

"We should go now" Taehyung says pouting, "I want to leave the house while there isn't too many people out" he adds. 

"Okay, go get your mask" Jungkook signs, "make the list" Taehyung says loudly before walking into their bedroom. 

Jungkook goes around the house and tries to figure out what they will need. He puts the list onto his phone because he knows he won't be able to remember everything. 

He waits for Taehyung by the door, his jean jacket and red high tops on. 

Taehyung walks slowly out of their room, his black mask already on, a long black coat to match. Once at the door he passes Jungkook his blue mask, Jungkook was so worried about Taehyung not wearing a mask that he almost forgot his own. Jungkook puts on the mask and Taehyung puts on his black converse. 

Taehyung walks out first practically looking like a model with the wind blowing his hair out of his face. Then there goes Jungkook behind him looking like the grumpy manager. Jungkook locks the door then they walk down the stairs hand in hand. They walk down the street, its practically empty like a zombie apocalypse has happened. They walk into the nearest market and Jungkook grabs a basket. He signs to  Taehyung saying "Don't touch anything" Taehyung looks at him confused. "I don't want you getting sick" Jungkook signs and before Taehyung can respond by sign Jungkook looks away and leads them down the aisle with the toilet paper. Unlike other parts of the world they luckily can find toilet paper easier. 

They stock up on their daily necessities along with some chips and cookies. Taehyung almost goes to touch a box when jungkook uses his elbow to make Taehyung put his hands back on his side. Jungkook grabs the box of animal crackers and puts it in the basket. Taehyung then points over to a pile of gloves. Jungkook smiles "great idea" he signs with one hand. He picks up a box of gloves, normally used for making sandwiches and cooking, but they may use them the next time they go out so Jungkook wont be too scared of Taehyung touching anything. They take their groceries to the cashier and pay. Jungkook grabs onto many of the bags then realizes he can't hold them all. So he puts them all down and takes out the box of gloves. He opens them and signals for Taehyung to take out a pair to wear, so he does. Then he picks up some of the bags and Jungkook smiles although it isnt easy to tell through his mask. They walk back and as soon as they get back inside their apartment Jungkook tells taehyung to wash his hands even though he didn't touch anything. Then he goes into the kitchen to disinfect the products they bought and washing his own hands of course. After putting everything away he goes into their bedroom to change. Taehyung is already in pajamas fast asleep on their bed. Jungkook smiles brightly at his favorite human being. "He is so cute" he awes out loud. He opens his closet and changes into his blue pajama pants, making sure to stay shirtless to make Taehyung flustered in the morning. He makes sure his dirty clothes are in the dirty clothes bin before going to the bathroom and brushing his teeth and doing his nightly routine. 

HIs eyes start feeling heavy as he shuffles his way back to their room. He slowly goes into bed afraid to move Taehyung and wake him up. "I'm so happy I'm stuck here with you" he whispers before slowly falling asleep next to his soulmate. 

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