Start from the beginning

"Jesus Christ," Rhys whispers from behind me as he takes in the scene before us. If we'd thought Denver was just dominant in the ring we were sorely mistaken. "This is some shit out of a movie." I shake my head and then turn my head as Denver delivers one more brutal smack of the paddle to Luke. The lights go out simultaneously with Luke's moan.

"Go." Wolf says in my ear but we are already in motion. My night vision glasses are turned on and both of us are hurrying toward Luke. He's hanging there helplessly and one of the only things covering him is the mask on his face. Everything else is exposed.

"You get the bottom, I'll get the top." I say to Rhys, as we begin undoing Luke's restraints. Luke struggles against the chains, calling out for Denver. Once I manage to get the restraints off of him he goes to shove me because he can't see me. He probably couldn't anyway, even with the lights on with that weird fucking mask on.

"Denver!" He shouts again and I hear Denver call back to him as I wrap my arms around Luke.

He fights against me but I lean into his ear, "Luke, you're alright. It's Seth, Malyssa's cousin." I have to say the words loudly but at least he stops fighting against me. "Come on, we have to get the fuck out of here."

"Can you take this fucking mask off of me?" I let him go automatically and quickly unfasten the ridiculous material, throwing it on the floor. His eyes lock with mine even though he doesn't have night vision. "We need to get Denver."

"There's no time." He shakes his head. "Wolf is going to get him with the other team. We have to go." His brow furrows as Denver calls out to him. "Let's go." He nods his head and begins following us when a gunshot rings out.

"We've got company." Wolf grunts out as chaos erupts all around us.

"Fuck." I murmur, feeling Luke's tense body behind me. "Rhys, take Luke to the corridor and I'll get Denver." The lights flicker on and I immediately turn my night vision off. I hide behind a pole, watching the two of them quickly run in the direction I'd told them.

I look off to my left and see Denver's horrified gaze as he looks all around. Two bodies are at his feet, thankfully they're not our guys. I know Denver probably knocked them the fuck out. They guy was a fucking animal when he fought. I watch him pick up Luke's mask on the floor and see his face become filled with rage.

Here goes nothing.

I move my feet quickly, flanking Denver as carefully as I can. The moment I do is the moment he turns to punch me. I quickly dodge him but then he throws another that I manage to miss. "Denver!" I yell out but that doesn't stop him from shoving me back, thankfully giving me enough room to take off my glasses. "It's me! It's Seth!" His fist stops an inch before colliding with my face.

"Seth? What the fuck?" He says, as he drops is fist.

"I have no time for explanations. Follow me." I nod my head to the left signaling for him to do just that and he nods back.

We weave our way through the chaos that is ensuing all around us. People clad in patent leather and an array of bondage attire are shoving one another. They're screaming and not in the way I'm sure they came here to.

"This way." I yell out, feeling Denver close on my tail as I eye the M corridor. "It's the—" A pair of arms wrap around me before tackling me to the floor. Before I even have the chance to fight the guy, Denver picks him up off of me and throws him to the side like a rag doll. I quickly get to my feet just as Denver lands a solid kick to the guys ribcage. "Denver!" I shout, just as another guy comes toward him. He doesn't miss a beat before throttling him by the throat and throwing him to the ground. He gives him another solid kick before looking back to me with a deathly look. "Nice job, officer." I gesture to his hat.

"Shut the fuck up, Seth." He takes the hat of his head and chucks it to the side.

I don't say anything else before making my way down the corridor as stealthily as possible. We reach the last door on our right. I look around before opening it, making sure no one is paying attention. Once we're inside I see Rhys, Luke, and a blonde girl chained to the wall which, I'm assuming, is Marina. Marina, my other cousin, is one of the reasons we're all in this mess.

Denver walks past me, directly over to Luke, who is now fully clothed. Luke looks up at him with eyes full of relief that then turns to astonishment. Denver slams him up against the wall and kisses him fiercely. I immediately direct my gaze elsewhere because clearly Denver doesn't give a single fuck that he's practically devouring Luke in front of other people.

"Alright, alright. We got enough of a show out there." Rhys lets out after a few moments. "Keep your giant cock in your pants, Luke." Denver pulls away from Luke and snorts out a laugh.

"Get a good look at it, did you, Rhys?" Den cocks an eyebrow at Rhys whose eyes widen. "I take it that's a yes." He smirks. "Tried to have a go with Malyssa and now Luke? I'd almost say you want to have a little fun with the three of us."

"Here, Officer Denver," I toss a set of clothes at him, trying to change the subject. "Put some clothes on so you can stop looking like one of the fucking Village People."

Denver strips down and then looks over to Rhys, "Hey, if you want to check out my cock to see what you're missing, feel free." He gives him a wink and Rhys flushes with embarrassment.

"Can you not, Den. It's not the time for your nonsense." Luke's tone is sardonic as he walks over to the bag of guns from his place on the wall. "Plus, that cock is taken."

"You bet your sweet ass it is." Denver gives him a hard swat on the said ass and I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes. "Care to explain what the fuck the two of you are doing here, though?" He aims at me with a stern look.

"Malyssa." I knew her name was the only explanation he needed. "We're waiting for her signal to bring this one out." I nod over to Marina since she's the bargaining tool.

"You said Wolf Carlo is here?" Luke is checking out the knives with a small smile.

"Yes, he's with the second group." I wipe the perspiration off my forehead. "The weapons are from him."

"These are definitely his knives." He begins holstering them one by one. "Who else is he here with?" Marina begins struggling against the chains that are holding her. Luke glances over his shoulder and gives her a look that can only be described as menacing.  

"I don't give a fuck about them." Denver interjects, glaring at Luke, as he laces up a pair of boots. "Where the hell is Malyssa? Why didn't she tell us about this?"

"Malyssa can take care of herself. She also probably didn't trust you to listen, like last time. You don't take orders well." Luke answered him rather matter-of-fact, looking from Marina to Denver. "She'll be fine." His cool, collected demeanor seemed to make Denver irate.

"I fucking hate when the two of you say that damn word. Was fine what you thought she was when she'd been stabbed by that fucking lunatic?" Luke clenches his jaw while the two of them look each other down.

"That's a low blow, Denver." I state, knowing what he was talking about. Malyssa had filled me in on the details of the complete psychopath that is Scott Marling. "I'm sure she's handling herself. She is more than capable from the sound of it." Denver lets out an irritated grunt and crosses his arms over his chest.

"What's the sig—" A loud siren sounds off in the distance, cutting Denver's words off.

"That'd be it."

Who missed Seth and Rhys?

Any thoughts about what's going to happen next?

Also, if any of you are wondering the time this book takes place it's mid-book in 'A Light in the Darkness'.

Happy Fridayyyy!

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