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Violet's POV

The dreaded moment finally arrived, much sooner than I had expected. It happened so slowly yet so quick at the same time. Everything seemed so dull and grey, it felt as if my mind was like a tv stuck on static. David was the only positive factor in my life at that moment.
"My darling, the funeral people are on the phone, do you want me to talk to them?" David called, as I sat at the dining table, staring into my coffee.
"Erm, yes please, if you don't mind" I answered, pulled from my trance. Not 5 minutes later David appeared before me at the table.
"They just wanted to get everything finalized for him" he took my hands in his and fixed this wonderful eyes of his on mine. "Fancy a walk?" He pondered, rubbing the back of my hand. I wasn't sure about a walk but the thought of getting some fresh air sounded appealing. "It'll do some good, we can always come back home" he smiled softly.
"Yeah ok" I nodded, finishing the last of my coffee before getting up to follow David to the hallway. We got ourselves ready and set off. We wandered down towards the canal. The cool air nipped at my skin and the scent of damp grass and autumn air wound up into my nose. The sound of the breeze howled as we strolled along the murky water.
"I just feel so numb" I sighed, watching a pair of ducks drift along the water, "like, I don't feel anything, and if I do I just feel gutted or empty" I peered up to David, opening up to him.
"That's ok Violet. It's ok to feel that way" he told me, his eyes staring into mine. "These feelings won't last forever you know" we had slowed right down at this point. "It's hard and it hurts like hell, I know, but it'll fade and you'll be able to get on with life again. You managed with your mum, you know the process. I'll be here with you, you're not alone" he explained, his wise words soothing my mind. The emptiness within me seemed to switch, it lessened, less intense. I just felt sad. I threw my arms around David'a neck and hugged him tight.
"I love you" I spoke into his ear as his arms wrapped around my back, "I love you so much".
"I love you too my darling" he replied before pecking my cheek. We continued our walk a little further, all the while discussing various topics, from the heartfelt and emotional to the funny and ridiculous. David made everything so much simpler and eased the process. That afternoon, he tried teaching me how to play guitar.
"Hold it like this" he instructed me, adjusting the position of the instrument. We were sat on the sofa, i was on the edge with the guitar and he was behind me, guiding my arms and hands. "Then, strum like this" he carefully took my hand and softly strummed the strings. I watched my hands as he explained what he was doing, or I was doing. By tea time he had me playing the chorus to twist and shout by the Beatles.
"Oh my god, I did it!" I jumped up, made up that I had actually managed to play the guitar and it not sound awful. "I did it" repeated, making David chuckle.
"Yeah you did" He nodded, grinning at me as I danced around with the guitar.
"Thank you, thank you" I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tight.
"It's ok" he laughed, probably finding my level of excitement entirely amusing. After tea, which was some good old fish and chips, we continued my guitar tutoring. Then, by time for bed, I could play the entire tune from start to end.
"Darling you can do anything if you try hard enough" he smirked, approaching the bed. I smiled as he closed the distance between us.
"But it was because you helped me" I reasoned opening my arms wide for him to come and hug me.
"Nahh, it's all in your mind" He clambered onto the bed and crawled forwards like a child.
"Yeah but I didn't know what I was doing, you're the pro" I shrugged, not breaking my eye contact with him. He stopped a fraction away from me.
"Aww you" he smirked, basking in the praise. "So what fee shall I charge you for my tutoring" He feigned a thoughtful expression. I shrugged sensing the shift of mood.
"I don't know" I answered, smug, guessing David's intention.
"I have an idea" his eyes darkened with lust and moved slowly towards me. He flashed a cheeky smile as he moved his focus to my neck. As he moved, his weight pushed me back onto the bed, his mouth attaching itself to my neck, using just enough force he nipped my neck slightly, making me squeal as he trapped me beneath him. I giggled and squirmed as he playfully kissed and nipped all over my neck and collarbones. "Mmm this should cover the cost" his voice was low and enticing.

Later on as the night drew in, we cuddled under the covers, holding one another we gazed into each other's eyes and chatted about things. David was so good. He understood me like no one before, he listened intently to what I had to say, no matter how daft I sounded, and always knew the right things to say or do.
"You are you going to do this tour then?" He pondered, adjusting his head on the pillow. I hadn't really thought about that yet.
"I can't not go" I admitted, shyly avoiding eye contact.
"Why not? With what's happened, you're not in the right place. Are you?" He denoted, his words were gentle.
"I guess" I responded, bringing my eyes back to him.
"If you were working at Morrison's they'd give you time off. Just because it's a temporary job doesn't mean you're not entitled." His point was very valid.
"Hmmm" I processed the thought.
"You need some time off Violet. Time to do what you need to do for you" he added, his eyes searching mine.
"But I need the money for the mortgage for this place" I suddenly thought out loud.
" Darling, money isn't an issue. Or at least it shouldn't be" he raised a hand to tenderly stroke my cheek.
"I don't have a surplus of cash David" I sounded slightly embarrassed.
"Oh darling, are we or are we not in a relationship? A rather serious one at that?" He folded his arms sassily and waited for my response.
"Yeah?" I answered rather unsure of the point.
"Well, I'll help you out" he smiled fondly.
"David?" I was taken aback by his suggestion.
"In fact, Violet. Move in with me?" He added, taken me aback even further. My mouth dropped. I couldn't compute. "The place I call home, is in Manhattan but we could live in London if you want. You can stay there and base yourself there" he explained. I was speechless. "You don't have to worry about your mortgage then, you can do whatever you want to do and we'll be together" he went on.
"Are you sure?" I wanted to check this was for real before I accepted and got too excited.
"Of course I am. It's the right thing to do. Violet move in with me, please" he dropped his sassy arms.
"...ok" I answered excitedly, accepting the offer and allowing myself to get swept up in the thought. David engulfed me and we cuddled and snuggled up to one another, discussing our plans for the new life together until eventually we dropped off.

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