"Yeeeaaaah, well, we're not eating that. I think these rations were Mara's. Does space food expire? What does this one say?" Glimmer asks

"Dehydrated protein slaw. Yum?" Adora says

"Better than ration bars" I say

The tv thing comes on and Bow is on it

"Guys, you'd better get in here!" Bow says

We get into the control room thing

"Sensors picked up Horde ships on our tail. They're coming straight for us" Bow says

"It's gotta be a coincidence, Prime can't track this ship" Glimmer says

"Oh my Jack Rebney" I whisper

"Look! It's an asteroid field. It would be so fun—I mean, a-a great hiding spot. But, Bow said I couldn't fly into it" Entrapta says

We all look at Bow

"Asteroids. Ship, falling apart" Bow says

"Well, nobody has a better idea, so it'll have to do" Adora says

Adora walks over to me and hugs me tightly

"Adora..." I say muffled into her chest

"What? I'm not hugging too tight" Adora says

Adora lets go and we get into the asteroids

"Okay, we should be safe in here. Even if they're looking for us, we'll be impossible to spot among the asteroids"

The ship jerks and Adora and I fall over and Adora lands on top of me

"Ow" I say in pain

Adora looks at me and her entire body is on mine and she blushes

I'm struggling to breathe

Adora gets off of me and helps me up

"We have taken damage. Hull integrity at 60 percent" Darla says

"Horde ships coming right for us!" Entrapta says

"Oh fuck" I say

"How did they find us?!" Adora asks

"Horde Prime may not be able to track Darla, but something on board is sending up a trace signal. That must be what they're following!" Entrapta says

"Those flashes Catra's been getting, the signal's coming from her chip, isn't it? Once again, Catra is ruining our lives" Adora says

Adora grabs Entrapta and drags her out of the room

"Wait, Entrapta hasn't fixed the shields yet!" Bow says

"Then try not to hit anything!" Adora says

—3rd person POV—

"We're doing this. Then if you think hiding from the people you hurt will make you feel better, we'll drop you off and you'll never have to see us again...You'll never have to see me or (Y/n) again" Adora says

Catra doesn't want to let go of them especially not (Y/n)

Catra knows (Y/n) doesn't want to be around her but Adora might

—(Y/n) POV—

I go into another room to get food ready since I can actually cook and the ship keeps jerking and it's hard to stay up

I try to stand but it's hard

I go and see what's going on even though I fall like half the time

You're not leaving me. Yandere Catra x readerWhere stories live. Discover now