Chapter 44

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"I'm going out with my GUY friends, brat. We're not inviting girls, and we're not going to drink." Levi said, putting on his cravat and casual suit.

Y/n looked at him and squinted her eyes. "Why are you wearing a very formal attire? Is there a secret meeting of some sort?"

"You could say that. I'll be back by dinner. Goodbye, brat." Levi said walking out of the door.

"Goodbye, L---" the door slammed shut. Y/n frowned as she laid on the couch again while petting her cat.

For the past few months, Levi has been distant to Y/n. He even forgot their anniversary and Y/n was not happy about it. She just ignored that and enjoyed Levi's company, not saying anything about it.

It's getting to her nerve that Levi didn't even give her affections anymore. Though Levi still cuddle her to sleep, but that was not enough for her. She gave him all that she can but didn't get anything in return. It hurts her that something could be happening to Levi and she does not know about it.

Levi has been 'hanging out' with his friends. Y/n was fine at first but it started to get suspicious as it began happening every other day to everyday. He leaves and tells her not to go outside, what's wrong with going outside while you're with your friends?

After watching a film, Y/n gently stood up and coughed on to a cloth, her cat looks at her before going back to sleep. She was having the worst cold in her life, she could hardly move. Her breathing is not good either, her nose is clogged up and she has been coughing her throat out.

She needs to take her medicine so she went to the kitchen to get some water and her medicine but when she took out the medicine box, she found nothing.

"F*ck me..." she whispered before coughing again. She was about to call Levi to buy medicine when she saw his phone on the counter top.

'Why would he leave his phone behind?'

Cursing to herself again, she put on her jacket on top of her long sleeves before wrapping her scarf. She put on her shoes and put on a face mask to prevent spreading the germs.

She went out the door, locking it behind her and going down the stairs. Once she got down, she slouched down, out of breath. She walked to the nearest drug store, which was not that close to where they where staying and Levi probably took his car and Y/n does want to spread her cold to anyone if she rides a taxi.

She was crossing the street when she spotted a familiar car. Levi, indeed took the car with him. Y/n bought her medicine and was about to go home when he spotted Levi walking put a shop with a girl.

The girl was giggling as she playfully hit Levi's arm. Y/n's drowsy eyes widen at the sight. They went to Levi's car and got in. Levi, being a gentleman that he is, helped her inside even though she doesn't need one.

'That's probably not Levi. Maybe that's just someone with a same haircut.' Y/n thought.

She was about to turn around when the girl spoke.

"Oh stop it, Levi" She giggled.

"I'm not doing anything." Levi said before starting the car.

'I'm following this damn car!' Y/n thought.

As the car drove away from its parking spot, Y/n followed it. Wearing a mask made it harder to breathe for her with a clogged nose, but it made the hiding a bit easier. The car stopped on a parking area beside a coffee and tea shop.

'They're having tea?!' She thought.

Levi and the girl walked inside of the shop. Y/n stood next to a pillar, where she can still clearly see Levi and the girl. She watched as they ordered their beverages and sat down on the same table.

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows as she saw the girl giggling. She began coughing so she hit her chest with her fist before taking out the medicine. She looked at it and told herself to take it. Y/n took one of the pills, putting it on the back of her tongue and immediately swallowing it. She almost choked as the pill is quite big.


Levi sat on the table with his tea, still muttering about his phone that he accidentally left on the kitchen counter. He took a newspaper from the cafe rack to read something as he drink his tea.

"You look even more handsome than the last time I saw you." The girl giggled.

"What the f*ck are you saying? You saw me yesterday." Levi sips his tea while reading the newspaper, not bothering to look up.

The girl giggled again before playfully hitting Levi's arm.

"I was saying that you're getting even more handsome every time I see you."

"Tch. Stop flirting, brat. I'm not single."

The girl's eyes widen as Levi said that. "What?"

"I have a girlfriend."

The female's face drop as she asked, "Who? Is she beautiful?"

"None of your business. And Yes, she is beautiful."

It was quiet for the both of them until the girl spoke. "I've finished my coffee, I need to go back to work."

"Yeah." Levi answered, still not looking up at her.

"That's it?"


"Alright, Levi. Bye, I'll see you again." The girl stood up from her seat and gave Levi's cheek a kiss. He didn't move of anything but gave his final remarks, "Bye."


Y/n's eyes widen again as she watched the two people in the cafe. She gasped as the girl kissed Levi. She turned around and walked away, not wanting to see anymore of this crap.

She walked back to their apartment with a sad expression plastered on her face. She took another pill, in hope to make herself better. She ate a couple of biscuits hoping to ease the pain in her stomach. She couldn't stop thinking about what she saw earlier.

'Why didn't he do anything?' she thought.

She stood up and took some clothes from her closet before going to the bathroom and taking a warm bath to take her mind off the situation.

"Is he cheating on me?" Y/n frowned.


Levi drove to Erwin's office to discuss something. He knocked on his door and waited.

"Come in." Levi opened the door and immediately sat on the chair in front of Erwin's table. "I supposed you're here to talk about it again?"


"Levi, I already told you. If you think it's time, just do it."

"I know, but I'm having a second thought. What if it's too early?" Levi put his hand on his face.

"Trust yourself. If you think it's time, it's time."

Levi sighed.

"I think I'll do it next month."

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