Chapter 10

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Y/n and Petra are doing grocery because they  decided to have a dinner at Petra's apartment since it's big enough for a family of six, and she lives alone.

"You have a lot of money. Do you have a side job?" Petra asked.

"I do, back at Canada. I work as a barista at a cafe."

"You sure?" Petra said with a teasing manner.

Y/n chuckled. "I help my dad with his work as an engineer. Happy?"

"Very. You must be really smart." Petra said, somehow awkwardly.

"I guess." She shrugged her shoulder. They hailed a taxi and went to Petra's apartment.

It is Y/n's first time in Petra's apartment. Petra's apartment wasn't as neat as Y/n expected. She ignored it even if it got into her nerves.

Petra and Y/n began cooking. They made a bunch of nigiri, tempura and some ramen, she used her mother's special recipe for ramen, that's why it's special. They also made some Canadian food.

A knock on Petra's door can be heard. "I'll get it." Petra said. Y/n nodded and continued cooking their meal.

"Reiner and Bertholdt are here. You both can sit here." Petra said, pointing to the long couch. "Do you want me to help you with cooking or you can do it and I'll go entertain them?"

"I can manage. Thank you."Y/n said and continued cooking.

By the time the food are done cooking, Oluo and Levi have arrived. "Dinner's ready!" Y/n announced as she placed the last bowl of ramen on the person's seat. Everyone sat altogether and communicate nicely. Petra in front of Oluo, Reiner in front of Bertholdt, and Levi in front of Y/n.

"Itadakimasu!" They all said.

"Didn't know you know japanese." Oluo said.

"That's what you get when you have a japanese best friend." Reiner said. " This is my favorite ramen, it's called L/n ramen." He chuckled.

"Y/n's japanese?" Petra asked in disbelief.

"Half japanese." Y/n smiled.

Levi took a slurp on his ramen and his eyes widen. It tastes like home. "Levi's very quiet today. What's wrong?"

"Nothing." He said as he continued to slurp his ramen.

"Like the ramen? Me too." Reiner said, bowl already half empty.

"Actually... Yeah, I like it." Levi said quietly.

As they finish their food, they decided to spend the night at Petra's. They laid out a bunch of comforters that Petra didn't know she have. Bertholdt and Reiner ran to the convenience store to buy some junkfood and sodas, while Oluo and Petra go to the movie shop to rent a bunch of movies. That left Y/n and Levi alone, again.

They continued to fix and clean everything until everything shines. Awkward silence consumed them. Levi decided to speak quietly, "I don't want to continue the d--" Levi was cut off by Petra and Oluo bursting through the door.

"We got the movies!!"

Not long after that, Bertholdt and Reiner got back.

They all sat together and watched movies. Y/n head was on Bertholdt's lap as they slept through one of the movies. Y/n sleepily sat up and leaned back on the couch. Because of her sleepy state, her head leaned over to the side.

Morning came, they woke up around seven in the morning. Levi, who is the first one to wake up, woke up with someone leaning on his side, he turned his head to see who it was. It was Y/n. He decided to sit there and waited for everyone to wake up. Once he felt a movement, he closed his eyes and pretend to be asleep.

"Oh my gosh, Reiner." Bertholdt whispered, nudging Reiner's shoulder. The muscular blonde looked over to where Bertholdt was pointing. His eyes widen as he snapped a picture.

Levi pretend to wake up and push Y/n away from him. Bertholdt quickly put him comfortably on the couch. Levi stretched is arms and legs before going to the bathroom. He washed his face and looked at the mirror in front of him.

He missed Y/n's warm body next to him. He sighed and took out his toothbrush from the inside pocket of his jacket and brushed his teeth. He also brought a small pocket comb with him and combed his hair with that for sanitary purposes.

As he walked out of the bathroom, he saw Bertholdt and Reiner busy rummaging the paper bags on the counter from last night, trying to find something to cook for their sleeping friend for when they wake up.

Levi took the chance to walk over to Y/n and check her. He kneeled down next to her and cupped her cheek with his hand. He slightly smiled and kissed her forehead. She smiled in her sleep and turned to the other side. He quickly stood up and walked to an occupied part of the sofa, sitting down and checking his phone.

"Levi, what can you do with these?" Bertholdt politely asked,pointing the left over ingredients.

Levi tried to give some ideas but the combinations ended up as bunch of disaster. Y/n walked to the kitchen. "Good morning gu--- What are guys doing?"

"Breakfast." Reiner said, proudly. Y/n walked over to the pot of boiling concoction. She took a taste and her eyes squinted in disgust. No flavors at all.

"Who made this?"

"Levi." Reiner and Bertholdt said in unison.

"I did."

As that left his mouth, she smiled. "Let me fix this." She smiled at him. She took out garlic, onions, some carrots and eggs, and  chopped it with incredible speed. She took a clean saucepan and  took some of the ingredients in Levi's pot, adding a bit of herbs and spices to correct the taste and soon, they have breakfast soup that tasted delicious. "You still did a great job." She smiled and patted Levi's head.

Petra and Oluo woke up and fixed themselves. They sat all together at the dinner table. Levi sat beside Y/n's seat as she assisted her friends. Levi kept glancing at Y/n while having a breakfast. "Today's our last day, what should we do?" Y/n asked.

"Let's skate?"

Y/n, Reiner and Bertholdt nodded in agreement. "Let's meet at the local skating rink?"

"Sure. Is three O'clock okay?"

"Yeah. We'll be there."

All of them helped each other cleaning the house. So when they leave, it's squeeky clean. Y/n and her guy friends walked back to their hotel room and rested for a while and took a bath.

"Y/n can you explain what this is?"

Reiner showed her a picture of her and Levi.

Cuddling on the floor with Levi's arms around her waist and her arms around his. Her head buried on Levi's shoulder and his head leaning on hers.

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