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One week later

Mr Phillips once again made  Yvonne finish her work earlier which makes her start getting worried. She was no longer tensed after confirming that has salary wasn't affected due to the long hours off so she took it as her luck.

Just as Yvonne got out of the office, she received an unexpected call from Zach.

"Where are you? "He inquired
"I just got out of the office, I'm heading home now."

"Don't move, I'm coming to pick you up."

"I brought my car."

"Don't worry about it, I'll be there as soon as I can." he hung up without giving Yvonne a chance to speak.

Yvonne was speechless as she wondered what the problem was this time. Within a few minutes, a familiar Ford edge pulled up in front of her and both Gordon and Zach alighted from the car.

Zach all dressed up in a black suit look charming as he walked up to Yvonne and exchange pleasantries.

"Gordon will drive your car home, while you come with me. " She acknowledged Gordon's presence and handed her car keys over to him.

"Your keys will be left with the security guard." Zach concluded

"I'll leave now, have a nice time. " Gordon waved before leaving with Yvonne car.

"I didn't let you get some rest, please accept my apologies."

"It's ok. I'm not so tired."

"So you won't change your mind on following me. "

"I want to go. I'm cool with it."
"If you say so." Zach stopped and helped her into the car "May I say you look gorgeous? "

"Thank you, you look charming as well. "

"I didn't put much effort I assure you." He smiled and closed the front passenger's door before getting into the driver's seat.

"Where are we off to now?"

"I can't say. I promise to say if it was a party."

"At least it isn't a party." She sighed. "Don't dampen your mood, it's just going to be a quiet night. It may be full of surprises." Yvonne a raised brow and probed "What surprises?"

"I can't say for sure I said may." he continued driving while Yvonne looked out the window. Some minutes later, they were in a parking lot walking towards the entrance of bistros and dives danfo.

They took a seat next to the window and took their orders which was brought to them in a short while.

"Funny enough, every time I close early, I always end up with you?" she thought aloud for a while then placed the pieces together "Zach, do you have a hand in this?" her look was demanding but Zach chose not to look up and chuckled

"I'dead certain it's you. "

" How sure are you dear?"

"I'm really sure but I know for sure."

" I can't draw  that on my memory. "

"Admit it Zach!" Yvonne almost yelled and Zach look up to her with a smirk "Fine. I did it, happy now. "

"Why? I wonder what Mr Phillips must think of me."

"It's not a big deal. I said it was because of business, nothing much, I'm surprised he listened but I can't blame him, I'm that influential."

"I'm lost for words right now."

"Don't be. As for the reason ... I wanted to spend some time with you."

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