"A lingerie store?" She whispered almost inaudibly. All her friends almost threw up their drinks. "A what?" Disha asked looking at her who was now clutching the fabric of her kurta tightly.

"I need something to wear with this dress, my regular ones will not do. But then again..." Pia paused looking away. She is now feeling extremely embarrassed. "I get it, we will hit the stores after we are finished. And girl you need to do some self-pampering time to time. It helps you to indulged in your inner feminism." Reva told her smiling. "It is alright?" Pia asked. "Perfectly, just finish your food."

Pia let Reva and other pick products for her from the Victoria's secret store. While she herself decided to hunt for something special. She cannot let anyone know because she is not even sure if she will go through her plans. Or she will chicken out at the last moment. 

"This is for Christopher. He is my husband and he only wished for something from me once. I have to keep it" Pia told herself as she again started to hunt for the perfect thing.

"You got it? What you were searching for?" Disha asked eyeing the bag in her hand. "yes, I have got something. I think it will go perfectly with the dress I have bought." Disha nodded as the other girls were busy singing the songs with the radio. "I think Christopher will like that little package too." Disha smiled as Pia clutched it tightly.

 "It is ok Pia to sometimes act out of your character, it is ok to experiment and open yourself to new kind of experiences. And take risks because if you didn't you will always be miss out on things. That is not something you want to do. You should live your life Pia, enjoy it to fullest" Disha told her as she gently squeezed her hand as a reassurance.

"You know it is Christopher's birthday the day next to party?" Mia told them. How she knew about this and Pia didn't? Maybe because she never paid any attention to these kinds of things only her friends did. She didn't even remembers her birthday, it was her friends who does that for her. "I didn't knew that" Pia told her truthfully. " It is because he doesn't celebrates that, apparently it was the day he got adopted and as they didn't knew about his proper birthday they made him one."

Mia enlighten them. "Oh, that is awful not knowing your birth parents." Reva said. "Yes, it is. Maybe that is why he always is angry maybe it is just his coping mechanism, Forrest did told her about growing up together maybe he knew something I don't. More or less Christopher Royce Woodland is a mystery to me and something I yet needed to uncover." Pia thought.

"Home sweet home, you need help with your things?" Reva asked. She shook her head in no. "Ok then, we will meet you at the airport then, ok?" Pia nodded as Mia drove the car. She walked in and found the house empty as usual. Pia kept the things down. What was she thinking? He wouldn't have come home because she wished he would. He have work to do, and as he said his office was much of his home then his own.

"Took you long little Pixie, I have been waiting for long, long time for you to return." She almost jumped at his voice. But she controlled her erratic breathing. She turned around and looked at him. He was freshly showered and it feels like he was working out. 

 "I am sorry I lost track of time. I thought..." "Hold up Little Pixie, it was good that you enjoyed yourself, you are working too hard on the presentation. Harder than me and that is why you needed the break."

"I..." She paused. "You don't need to thank me; I always appreciate good workers." He said. But then he thought it just came out wrong. She isn't his worker; she is his wife. He never did have to think twice before voicing his thoughts but now he so does. He has to be careful about what he conveys about her. "And my wife, so it is my responsibility to give you the best I can and trust me little pixie I want to."

"Thank you, for this." She whispered looking down. "You didn't had to wait for me." He pulled her to him gently. "But I do little pixie. I like waiting for you to come home. And while I love my work more than anything, I love being at home and watching movies with you. We haven't done that in ages. Tell you what why don't you go and get changed and I shall make some snacks, let's go for a marathon this time" He suggested.

"So he come back from work early to watch movies with me?" She asked herself idly while looking for something to put on. "Because he loves to do that, spending time with his other half and he knows it is the only way he can connect with her in deeper level. It is the only time she isn't reluctant to let him come near her, see the real her she had been hiding from everyone."

She looked up and saw Christopher standing in front of her. Then she looked at herself. "get out, I am not dressed..." He closed the distance between them. "On the contrary you are overdressed." He told her. She looked down with a red coating her cheeks and neck. "And I thought I gave my card to you so you can buy few things for you." She got more embarrassed. "I know, I have spend too much didn't I?" She asked timidly.

He laughed at her innocent question. He gives her a credit card worth billions of dollars in it and she though she spent too much, when it was not even what he makes in an hour. "Again Mrs. Woodland you are wrong, you spent too little. And I am positive that too you were reluctant to do. Have you not heard of the concept of shop till drop?" He asked. "That's Reva not me. I only buy when I need to."

"Hmmm good concept but not always, I wanted you to spend some more on yourself. Tell me what is your favorite pastime?" She was now more embarrassed. She never did think that someone would ask her about her hobby. "I don't have a hobby." She whispered. "So what you did when you get bored of those books? I know that neuroscience can be interesting but always? I too don't always read those."

"I had nothing else to do then..." She closed her eyes remembering her past. She remembered her mother, her eyes looking into the sky, doing nothing while she tried to take care of her. Then she remembered how her hands trembled as she made those earthen pots to sell in the market.

"Pia, are you alright?" She opened her eyes looking into Christopher. "I am fine" She was not and somehow Christopher knew that very well. "You can talk to me about anything, anything you wish to. I am here for you, right next to you Pia. You are not alone." He gave her his t-shirt. "Wear this, and when we are in Paris, I am going to teach you what exactly shop till drop means little pixie." He told her smiling.

What had triggered her memory of her mother. She was not certain. She hasn't thought much about those dark days since she had started her medical school. But now, something is again triggering her past she thought she had forgotten. She looked at the t-shirt he had thus given her. "Thank you" She whispered particularly to no one.

"Are you coming little pixie?" she heard his voice. "Yes, in a minute." She replied. And then she put on the t-shirt and walked out of her room towards his, the one they shared many nights while watching movies and debating about the best course of treatment for the different patients in the hospital. She sometimes missed those when they don't have to pretend to be something different to themselves. She doesn't have to pretend in front of him. The time when they truly connected only way they knew how.

"You took long enough" Christopher turned around to look at her and his breath hitched. "Yes, sorry I was just..." She looked into his eyes. "Is something wrong? Why are you watching me like that?" She asked.

 "Nothing, nothing. Just you look good in my clothes just that. Come I have sat up the things." She nodded and they both climbed on the bed and he played the movie. Then he pulled her closer and she didn't protest. He vowed himself that he will know all her secrets, and will try his best to make her happy from now on. 

Word Count: 2216 Words

Mr. Suave (A Medical Romance) #1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz