•𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕾𝖎𝖝𝖙𝖞-𝕺𝖓𝖊•

Start from the beginning

"No," he said quickly.

"Baby.." I said calmly, pressing the FaceTime button.

After an initial wait he answered, his eyes tear stained.

"Destin I can promise you I'm okay." I spoke, lying through my teeth.

"I'm just being dramatic I'm sorry." He apologized this time, "w-were you sleep, I can call back if-"

"No." I said flatly, in all honestly I wished he was here right now, I needed him.

"Hey can you um, can you come over?" I asked

"I can't really drive right now, but I can cashapp you money for a Lyft or something." I spoke, staring down at my hands.

"Of course," he nodded, "don't worry about it I got it." He spoke.

I watched as he quickly got dressed, we stayed on the phone until he was in front of my door, and when he was I made sure to meet him.

André was still asleep on the couch and I'm sure Coach and Mr.Jay were too so I made sure we were extra quiet.

After tip toeing up the stairs I closed my bedroom door securely behind us.

Leaning against it for a while before turning around.

"Javi?" Destin questioned with a concerned tone, watching me as a sulkily walked over to the bed and laid down on it, a lone tear slipping down the corner of my eye.

When he spotted that he quickly made his way over to the bed, sitting Indian styled next to me.

"what happened?" He questioned, wiping my tear with his thumb.

It was like him asking that made everything worse because I couldn't tell him.

It wasn't like he as in danger anymore, but it was still a lot to dump on someone, and I didn't want to.

"somebody died D, a-and it hurts, I don't know why.." I choked out, the pony tail on top of my head messily held together, a reflection of my mental state honestly.

He came up to my slide closely and cuddled my head against his chest, causing me to wrap my arms around him.

This was the first time he'd ever seen me cry, ever.

"It's okay.." he said softly, hands massaging my scalp soothingly.

"When my grandpa died, I was really hurt, for a long time. He was the only family I had that truly understood me. Without him I was lost for a while." He consoled

"But I ain't love this person D, I hated them, so why does it still hurt..."

"even if you hated them, if they were family it will hurt regardless." He spoke.

"And sometimes the death of people that you hate is worse, I don't really know why." He continued.

The scratching at my door could be none other than Paco but I ignored it for now. I didn't really wanna move right now.

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