Chapter 4

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I can feel my hand quivering and drips of sweat on my forehead. My shoulders are hunched forward and I feel myself involuntarily picking at my nails, one of my "primary nervous habits" I thought I had dropped just before my Mother's passing. I feel everywhere I go she has a connection to it, at first I would break down on the spot but now I've learned to bury my feelings deep inside, building a wall that is so thick you couldn't possibly get through it. The man gives me a deadly smirk before aggressively grabbing my wrists. He moved his head next to my ear and whispered, "Miss Connor, you are coming with me."


Not today.

Not ever.

He knows, how does he know? I let out a sharp exhale of air. A knife. In the corner of my vision I see a knife, a long sharp deadly blade and a wooden handle. It takes all you are to take someone's life, but I know my Mother's death wasn't an accident, this man, THIS ghastly monster killed my Mother. My Mother. My Mum. My everything. I will not let them take the freedom I have, I will avenge her. My Mum. I quickly dig my brown leather boots into the man's foot, making him release me from his grasp. I run to the knife, hold it in my small hands and hold it towards the man. "I don't have to do this" I say, gasping for air. "But I will. I have to. Nobody can know" The man sniggers slightly, before reaching into his pocket.

"I know."

I hear a bang and everything goes black.

I see my Mother, we are in a meadow. I see myself, we are smiling. We laugh but no sound comes. Only the distant sound of a high pitched ringing. My Father. He picks me and Mother up and spins us round. My big brother Jacob is on my Dad's back saying something. What's he saying? The high pitched ringing gets louder by the second. I start to cry, my Mother falls to the ground, flames erupting around her unconscious body, a man walks up to us and laughs. Suddenly it's just me and the man in a white room. A hospital room? The ringing is unbearable, like a shrieking train. Then silence. The man snickers and grabs a gun from his pocket and whispers, "I know." Flames erupt everywhere, blood is pouring out of the girl who looks like me. Is she me? Oh god. Where's my Mum?

I wake up panting in an unfamiliar bed. White walls trapping me in a cage. I have chains around my stomach, hands and legs. Shouldn't I be dead? Why aren't I dead? I wear a white thin gown that is too big for me. A nurse walks in with a blank screen, avoiding my gaze. I can see my reflection, bloodshot eyes and my hair is a mess. I'm a mess. I have blood seeping through my shoulder where the girl from my dream was shot. Suddenly everything comes rushing back to me. My Mother, Nick, Expose Day, The man. I was the girl who got shot. 

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