Chapter 1

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My name is Charlotte Connor, I am 16 years old. I live in a small run down home in what once was called Oklahoma, most of it was destroyed in the nuclear war around 100 years before I was born. Now there are only 5 states, and together we are Acacia. We are only what's left of our world because the people before us didn't treat each other or this place nicely. I live with my brother Jacob and my Dad, my Mother was caught in a fire 7 years ago, to this day I wake up to the sound of her screams. I couldn't save her, but if I could, if I could trade my life for hers, she would be standing here right now.

Today felt different, not just the air was covered in a thick layer of misty, heavy fog, hanging over the city like a giant grey blanket, making it hard to breath without choking out the ghastly poison filled oxygen; no it wasn't that at all, it was the emptiness that filled the pit of my stomach that made me retch. I could hear heavy breathing, loud and forceful near me. As I stretched and opened my piercing grey eyes to the morning light, I felt shards of the sun stabbing at me as I adjusted to the strong, powerful illumination that overwhelmed my loss of senses. A scream. A blood curdling, heart pumping scream. I was used to it by now, every morning another innocent person is murdered by our dictators for suspected treason.

My brother Jacob slowly walks into my room holding a note, he avoids eye contact and stares at his shoes. He mumbles something under his breath I don't quite catch.

"Jacob, you need to speak up" He nods slowly and sighs.

"Nick is outside" He says and slowly walks towards the door. Nick is my best friend. He understands me even when I don't understand myself.

"Hey C.C" He shouts from across the road. That's his nickname for me, I roll my eyes and walk towards him, he lets out a strangled laugh as we hug.

"Today's the day!" He says with a wide grin on his face. Oh no.. it's Expose day. In our society everyone is born with eye colours that show what you're good at. My whole life I wear Ocean Blue Lenses to cover up my grey eyes, people who have grey eyes are seen as rebels here, and if they find out, you're sent right off to never be seen again. I let out a quick fake laugh as we walk to the square. My Dad has blue eyes as well as my brother but my Mum had grey eyes like me. She could always hide it but just before her death she acted strange. Maybe her death wasn't an accident after all. What are you thinking Charlotte?! Of course it was! I can feel my face heating up and my eyes starting to water.

"C.C, you okay?" Oh god. I forgot he was there.

"Of course, I am Nick! Come on!" I pull his arm as we hike towards the city square. 

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