Chapter 2

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As we hike towards the square I feel the breeze kiss my cheek like my Mum once did, almost a reminder that I'm not alone. In around an hour I could be very well dead from my secret being leaked. As we move closer, every new step I take I feel a shake run through my body. I can hear my heartbeat in my ears. I. Can't. Breath. I feel someone holding me up from falling, Nick. He can't know about my secret, nobody can, but his reassuring smile tells me otherwise.

"Hey, it's fine. You have blue eyes remember? We will be in the same group!" He almost shouts due to pure excitement. I have to tell him, right? He's my best friend. I can trust him. I'm about to tell him when a guard comes up to us. They know. My palms start to excessively sweat and I can feel tears on the verge of falling. I don't want to die! I'm only 16!

"Hello, this is Expose Day as you already know." He says with a slight chuckle. "Please make your way to group 9 for check in and tests" He points towards a gathering of people across the square. We nod and Nick pulls me towards the group. The guard stared right into my eyes and he didn't suspect a thing. What am I worried about? I am safe, right?

"So Charlotte..." Nick says with some awkwardness in his voice. I give him a questioning look, telling him to continue.

"What are you so worried about anyway?" Oh no. There are around 20 people around us, if I tell him, it's over, I'm over. I can't lie to my best friend, he will never forgive me, I will lose another important person in my life. Charlotte, pull yourself together, he won't know you lied because he will never find out.

"Nothing. I just sometimes act like this when I'm excited" Seriously? As soon as the words slip out my mouth I just want the ground to swallow me up. Nobody will believe that. The word "stupid" chants in my brain until suddenly broken when he says,

"Thought so" He believed me? I can feel a foolish grin spreading across my face, he believed me! I might get away with this, I might get out of this place alive.

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