Four: Late night thoughts

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Chapter 4


“Sorry Katie. Can we, erm, talk?” I asked awkwardly, letting her into the hallway.

“About what, babe?”

“Just… things.”

We went into the living room and I got us some drinks. I also put the TV on, so it wouldn’t be too silent. “You had better speak up soon, or I’m leaving. I told my mum I was going running, and she was suspicious enough of even that. If I come home late, she’ll be asking me all sorts.”

“When are you gonna end this relationship? You don’t love me, and I wanna move on.”

She looked at me with frozen eyes, and slammed the glass on the table. “What did you just say?”

“You heard me.”

Everything was still for a couple of seconds, before a sob broke the silence. “W-what’s wrong with me? I try so hard Calum, I really do, but… but…”

“You don’t Katie, that’s the thing. You treat me like I’m some sort of slave; I always have to buy your drinks and I’m always the first to start a conversation. And when I do, you don’t reply for hours, even when you’re free. I don't understand; why can’t you love me like a proper girlfriend? Why is it so important for you to show me off to your friends, who pretty much know that we’re not that close?”

More tears streamed down her face and she wiped them with the sleeves of her hoodie. “I-I like you Calum, can’t we just stay like this?”

“But I like someone else.”

She gave out another massive sob and I sat next to her, putting my arm around her shoulder. “W-who…?”

“It’s a secret. For now, anyway. But listen – there are so many other guys out there, what’s so good about me?”

Then she gave me the most disgusted look in the world. Her threaded eyebrows furrowed and her mouth turned upright. “Calum Hood, you bastard. Every girl wants to be with you, but you chose me. Me, of all girls! Me, Katie Turner, the girl who puts on too much makeup, who never pays for drinks. Katie Turner, the girl who is currently admired for going out with you. If I break up with you, do you know how much misery I’ll be in? You saved me from dying, do you think you can break up with me just like that?” she retorted in between sobs.

“Anyone who knew about your suicide attempt would have stopped you.”

“No Calum, they wouldn't have. Because everyone hates me, and you were the only person to show me one hint of remorse. Only you! At least now, I have a couple of friends who’ll stick up for me. Of course I’m grateful that you helped me, but how can you just turn away, stab me in the back?”

“I’m not stabbing you in the back; stop being so delusional.”

“Delusional! Look at the shit that’s coming out of your mouth. You’re delusional. You think that you’re so great that you can break up with me. Well you know what Calum, I refuse. I’m gonna be your girlfriend and cause you all the pain in the world. You won’t be allowed to escape because I’ll find you.”


“Thanks for the drink, boyfriend. See you at school.”

She strutted off, opening the door and screaming. For god’s sake, why did she have to be so difficult? Girls, eh – I was beginning to think there was a reason behind fancying Luke.


I didn’t mean to follow Calum, but I was walking Molly and I decided to stop by his house, just to check if he was really there. I just happened to be there just as Katie Turner, a girl in our class, entered. She was going out with Calum, however I didn’t know anything about their relationship. Once I had overheard that they weren’t actually serious; but that was probably just a rumour.

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