Chapter 27 Can't Stop

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Your POV

*You were on a wheelchair with Chara standing on your right.You see her staring off to the distance as she leans her head on the stone rail while she shields her right side of her face with her right arm

"Chara?"you spoke out
"Don't speak to me"Chara said coldly
"But that's how I like to spend today with you"you said
"Do you really mean anything you say?"Chara said with a concern tone as she looks at you with a cute expression you never seen from her before

"I can make my eyes red and say it again"you suggested
"No!"Chara faces you
*You chuckled a bit
*Chara puts her hands down on the stone rail while she looks at you
"Make your eyes red"Chara stares at you
*You did

*She walks to you and your heart started racing

"Now what is the prettiest thing about me?"Chara said seriously

*You had a bit of a blush and looked nervous as she stares at you so suddenly
"..Your presence.When you show up in my view is like who new feeling making my heart race and the room seems to get brighter"

*Chara looks away and she covers her face
"Ignore me"Chara said with her eyes peaking through her fingers
"You're being cute so I can't"You smiled
*Chara uncovers her face

"No more honesty from you"Chara said with a blush on cheeks as she faces you

*You sipped your ice cream chocolate shake to kill the mood

"I'm afraid I can't do that"you said
"No more saying nice things to me"Chara said looking like her usual self

"You're literally saying the impossible"you smiled
"Why can't you stop?!"Chara said looking flustered

*You thought for a moment as you see her flustered reaction

*You stared at Chara's eyes as if you were enchanted by them

"I don't know.It just easy to say when I look at you.There are things worth knowing and it's right in front of me"you smiled genuinely
"Stop.It"Chara said looking frustrated

"Ok that was the last one.Honestly that came out naturally"you said looking to your right for a moment

"You're not stopping (Y/N)"Chara folds her arms while she stands tall
"(Chuckle)How about I'll show you one more fire magic"you smiled at her
"Ok.Proceed"Chara said as she looked to her left for a moment

"I need your hand again"you said
"Do anything in a flattering way and I'm going to kick you down"Chara said looking serious

*You put the chocolate ice cream shake on your right as your right leg made it stay still

"Well that depends on you.Hand please"You offered your hands out

*Chara gives you her hands and you created red flames all around your body.The flames slowly crawls to Chara and she looks scared

"I won't hurt you"you smiled at her reaction
"I-I know that.You didn't say what you're gonna do"Chara said still looking nervous

*The red flames enveloped all around Chara's upper body while she looked to be calming down as she felt no pain

"Changing the nature of fire is something unheard of.But once you're able to control it willingly"you said

Undertale-Malereader X Female Chara and Frisk [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now