Chapter 15 Trust

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<4,000 words.I can't split it into two as it feels weird doing so just a little heads up>

Your POV

*You and Frisk are in the Young Majesties Sleeping Chambers while Asriel left and Chara is taking a bath

*You stood in front of Frisk with Asriel's bed on your left
"Do you think I'm not cut out for this?"
"No I would never think that, and you just started so I can't think of you in such a way"Frisk
"You were against the idea of me serving Chara at the start"

"I just wanted you to be free and not to be bounded by us because we're royalty"Frisk
"I don't care even if you aren't.You're a joy to talk to.I wouldn't be happier if I met another human than you"

*Frisk looked dumbfounded for a moment from your reply

"I-I told you to stop flattering me"Frisk had a hint of a blush on her cheeks
"It's all honesty Frisk.Because it's true to me"
"Then keep those thoughts to yourself"Frisk
"Where I come from.Speaking your mind is a way to let people know what you think.Or do you wish for me to be like a statue that only does whatever you wish?"you wrote while you had a sad expression

"N-No!I like the way you are"Frisk
*You smiled and she blushes.Frisk walks to her bed while you followed her

*You see her closing her curtains of the blue canopy bed then she sits on the front side of the blue covers and she looks at the book you were holding.

"Is that the Defensive Spell Tome?"Frisk
"What happened to the Purple Spell Tome?"Frisk
"I finished reading it and then it turned into fire like you said"
*She leans back on her bed and she looks to be exhausted for some reason

"I know I should believe you but magic is really difficult for me"Frisk
*You walked to the center of her body then face her while you kept a fair distance from her

"Then I'll teach you my magic.We call it color magic"
"Ok.What can you teach me?"Frisk sits back up looking curios
"Let me see your soul"
"You're not touching my chest (Y/N)"Frisk squints her eyes and looks to be mad
"I don't understand.Im just showing you.Im not gonna do anything else besides that"

*Frisk changes her expression and she looks down as she silently thinks to herself for a moment until she looks back at you

"If are displease of what I do then feel free to punish me however you like"you wrote with a smile
"Promise me (Y/N)"Frisk said looking serious

*You took your Rainbow Scarf off you and toss it to the couch behind you.You looked at Frisk's blue eyes

<A/N:And forgive me for this late information.

Frisk eyes are blue while her hair is Snow White short hair with a natural pink fade at the ends of her hair.If you don't like it...Then tuff fiddle>

"I promise you that I'm only showing your soul with no other intent.But it will hurt"you wrote as you wore a serious expression
*Frisk gets up and walks to you

"Ok.But tell me when you're going to touch me.I'll slap you if you don't"Frisk
"Ok.But don't close your eyes.Because I can't speak"
"Oh.I keep forgetting that"Frisk lightly slaps her right cheek

*You smiled then you put your right hand towards her chest

"I'm touching you now"
*She closes her eyes.You touched her chest<Close to her collar bone>then you see Asriel walk in
(You have the worst timing)

Undertale-Malereader X Female Chara and Frisk [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now