Chapter 9 Kidnapper

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Chara's POV

*I walked towards the castle after I walked off from that despicable excuse for an angel near the lake in the Forest.

(I can't believe I let him almost touch me.Men are disgusting no matter what they look like in this damn world)

*I hear someone walking behind me and I see Frisk walking on my left
"Is he following?"I asked still being angry
"No"Frisk said nicely
"Good.Once we get to the castle I'm ordering all the guards to kill him on sight"
"Chara I stopped before he could"Frisk
"Right.Thank you Frisk.Im glad you're here to protect me"I said kindly

"But let's talk with him.Im sure he didn't mean it.It must be normal to do that in his Kingdom"Frisk
"I have never heard or read any Kingdom that does that to women.Stop trying to protect him.You should let him die"
"Chara that's too much"Frisk

"Ahuhuhu.Whats this?" A voice in the distance

*Frisk and I stopped walking as we heard a voice somewhere around us.We looked around and only see only the large trunks of the trees and the moving branches above

"Who's there?"I asked
"The two princesses out and about.With no one around to hear you shout"A voice said
"Show yourself"I said not
"Ahuhu.You really don't know what's happening do you?Thats good for me"A voice said
*I feel my arms being tightened to my sides and I look down to see I was wrapped in purple strings from behind then I was pulled away from Frisk who was looking to her left

"Frisk!"I shouted
*She turned around but I was too far for her to catch up.I look behind me as I see the person who took me

I look behind me as I see the person who took me

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<Yeah its a "Spider Woman" cosplay..I take what I can get for for anything that comes close to "Assassin Outfit" Muffet>

"Let me go!"I said angrily
"Ahuhu"Spider Monster laughs as she almost covers her mouth with her upper left hand

*The Spider Monster jumps up and she lands on a tree trunk then she sticks me to it while she's on my right.I see her creepy hands tapping the spider web that's wrapped around my arms to my hips as she smiles at me

"Calm down Deary.You'll see your sister soon"Spider Monster
*The Spider Monster left me and she's heading back to Frisk.I wiggle around trying to get out but I realize I'm too high
(I'm dead even I manage to get free)

*I try to think of how I could survive out of this..but there really wasn't any safe way down.(Even if I break my legs just to get free I won't get far to get help)

"(Inhale)(Y/N)!!"I yelled out
(Please be near.I don't care just help me)
*I see something black in front of me but it wasn't (Y/N) it was the Spider Monster with Frisk stringed up while she held Frisk on her left side

Undertale-Malereader X Female Chara and Frisk [Completed]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt