Day 7: Thinking [rewrite next]

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A/N: I'm not too happy with this one... The new one is after this. 

Day 7.        With no dialogue.

The TV was blaring and I couldn’t sleep. It was about one in the morning, and I had no idea where Harry was, seeing as how he was supposed to be over a good, oh I don’t know, twelve hours ago. My roommate was at her parent’s house in Kent and I had the dorm all to myself for the weekend.

I should do my psych homework… I let the thought trail off, dismissing it soon after. I was too tired to focus properly, but too restless to sleep. So I resigned myself to watching bad, late night comedy. One of the commercials used Trojans at the beginning, and I thought about you, wondering what you would be doing right now. You’re probably asleep already, I thought bitterly.

Today, coming back from my first psych class of the day, I saw you heading in the same direction.

You were walking next to this other boy, one who I vaguely recognized, but couldn’t seem to place the face. I walked far enough behind you to see you, but not close enough to eavesdrop. It was cold outside, and, while I was wearing three layers and a coat, you just had on that Manchester United jacket of yours.

The pair of you seemed to be in a heated argument, for you were gesticulating wildly, and the boy crossed his arms occasionally. However, you didn’t seem angry; I heard you laugh at one point.

After a bit, you waved good bye to the other boy, and headed in the same direction I was. Shortly after that, you headed into one of the buildings on the side.

I groaned. I really just need to go to sleep. My phone buzzed on the table next to me, and I picked it up. It was a text from Harry.

Sorry! I got sidetracked with something. Tomorrow?


I shut off the TV and climbed into bed. 

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