Day 1: Coffee and the Crestview on Madison

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Day 1.        That takes place in a coffee shop.

The boy behind the counter had disappeared long ago, and the only sound that could be heard was the rain, the incessant ticks of the clock, and the pages of your newspaper moving through the stiff air. The light overhead flickered one last time before dying, but you paid no attention, and turned another page. I fingered the thick paper around my cup, looking around the empty coffee shop absentmindedly. Your face was cast in shadow, small freckles standing out in the cold light that the Seattle rain would allow to pass through the windows.

“What’s on your mind?” you asked me, setting down your paper. I shrugged, swirling my coffee around before taking a sip.

“I think I left my sketchbook at the movie theatre.”

“Which one?”

“The Crestview on Madison.” You nodded, returning to your paper. I twirled a lock of hair between my fingers, listening as the clock ticked a few more times.

“We can go and pick it up.”

The rain pattered against glass doors a little harder, and the ticks of the clock were muffled by the turning pages of your paper. I turned and watched the rain drops trace patterns on the glass.

“M’kay.” Your paper rustled as you folded it and tucked it under your arm, while our chairs scraped across the floor in union as we stood. “Let’s go.” I hurried to put my coat on, and followed you out the door. 

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