15) The Benders

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Percy liked being dressed as a priest a lot more than being dressed as a sheriff. Maybe it had been the irony, or the craziness, or maybe he just liked the weird white neck thing he was eighty percent sure was called a Roman collar (which was also pretty ironic, all things considered), but being dressed as a sheriff was a lot more boring than being dressed as a priest.

Percy forced himself to zone back into the conversation. They were talking to Mrs. McKay, a woman who's son claimed to see a man get pulled under his truck by a invisible force.

"I know you're just doing your job, but the police have been here all week already," Mrs. McKay said. "I don't see why we have to go through this again. The more he tells the story, the more he believes it's true."

"Mrs. McKay, we know you spoke with the local authorities," Sam started.

"But, uh, this seems like a matter for the state police, so...." Dean finished.

"Don't worry about how crazy it sounds, Evan," Sam looked down at the young boy. "You just tell us what you saw."

"I was up late, watching TV," the young boy explained. "When I heard this weird noise."

"What did it sound like?" Percy asked, just to show Dean he had been paying attention (even though he really hadn't).

"It sounded like... a monster." The boys shared a look at Evan's words.

"Tell the officers what you were watching on TV," Mrs. McKay directed.

"Godzilla Vs. Mothra," Evan said, and Dean smirked.

"That's my favorite Godzilla movie," Dean said excitedly. "It's so much better than the original, huh?"

"Totally," Evan agreed.

"Yeah," Dean nodded towards Sam. "He likes the remake." Percy had never seen any Godzilla movies, as far as he was aware.

"Yuck!" Evan scrunched his face up. Sam glared at Dean and clearer his throat, and Dean stopped with a slight pout that Percy found adorable.

"Evan, did you see what this thing was?" Sam asked seriously.

"No," Evan shook his head. "But I saw it grab Mr. Jenkins. It pulled him underneath the car."

"Then what?"

"It took him away. I heard the monster leaving. It made this really scar sound."

"What did it sound like, Evan?" Percy asked.

"Like this... whining growl." The boys shared another look at his words.

"Thanks for your time," Sam said.


"I don't think I've ever seen a Godzilla movie," Percy said, throwing a dart with perfect accuracy. While he was never good with a bow, he could throw just as well as any other demigod, which was practically perfectly.

"What?" Dean blinked, missing terribly with his next toss. "How? We've been together for a year now, and we were friends for a year before that. How have we never seen any Godzilla movie together?"

"Well, we usually have more pressing matters to deal with," Percy frowned, looking a little thoughtful. "Like actual monsters. And we've seen plenty of other movies. I'm sure it just slipped our minds. Of course, it was never really in my mind, so this is all your fault."

"Don't blame it on me! You're the weirdo who's never seen Godzilla in action! You've fought Hydras, held the sky, even saved the world, yet you've never seen Godzilla!"

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