Chapter 9: Bad Day

Start from the beginning

He sighs softly and looks up as Celena makes her way of her room, all dressed for work.

"Hey.  Morning." He says.  

"Morning." She sighs as she carries her heels.  "So not ready to be tortured in these damn things." She mutters. 

"I can get you flats." He shrugs. 

Celena smiles, "That could work." She laughs.  

"Did you sleep well?" He asks as they make their way downstairs.  

"Barely.  I keep seeing keep that masked guy in my dreams." She shudders as she thinks about what she saw in the mirror last night.  

"I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you.  You're safe here, with me." He says softly.  

She gives him a small smile, "But you know we're stronger together.  You, me, and Peter.  You're slowly letting him back in...I can tell.  That apology he gave you, you've accepted it.  And I'm proud of you." She says. 

He sighs, "One day at a time." 

She nods, "Yeah.  So, please point me to the nearest caffeine substance.  I'm in dire need of medication." She begs.

He chuckles and, together, walk into the kitchen.  His butler, Conway, was tending to his duties.  

"Conway, we need coffee." Roman demands.

Celena slaps his chest and frowns at him.

Roman clears his throat, "Please." 

Conway looked surprised and eyes Celena, he chuckles softly, "Right away, sir." 

"You don't really need to.  I'll be happy to make my own." Celena protests. 

"It's alright, madam." Conway moves to the coffee machine and Celena exclaims at the fanciness.  

"On second thought, have at it.  That thing looks like it needs a rocket scientist to work it." She scoffs. 

Conway couldn't help, but laugh, which surprises Roman.  Conway has never smiled around him, but Celena always seem to manage to make people laugh and smile.  

Conway hands Celena her cup and she gives him a warm smile, "God bless you." She sighs and sips her espresso.  "Mm! So good, thank you, Mr. Conway." 

"My pleasure, Madam." He says and hands Roman his cup as well.  

As Conway leaves them, Roman and Celena sit at the table and enjoyed their drinks.  They were about to leave together for work till Miranda walks in.  

"Hi, good morning." She smiles at Roman and gives Celena a bitter one.  

"Morning.  Would you like some coffee?" Roman offers.

"Um, no thanks.  I, uh, I got good news. I just found out that my car will be ready this evening and I just wanted to thank you..." Miranda's voice fades as Roman begins to eye her neck and flesh.  Her heartbeat pounds loudly in his ears.  His blood-lust was getting stronger.  

Miranda frowns and moves closer, "Roman, you ok?"

She reaches out to touch him, but he holds up a hand fast to stop her.  

"I'm sorry.  I have to go." He says fast and runs out of the house.

Celena follows him and finds him leaning on the wall, breathing heavily.  

"Roman?" She says carefully.

"Don't come near me, Celena." He says as he breaths heavily, tears forming in his eyes. 

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