Chapter 2

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When we got home i realized we were alone, "Chase were are mom and dad?" "oh i forgot to tell you they went out, but don't worry tomorrow they want you all to themselves." I glared at him "haha but don't worry, i wont leave you out i'll make sure you suffer with me." i said with a smirk.

I then went upstairs and opened the door to my room but was surprised when it was filled with chases stuff. "CHASE!, WERES ALL MY STUFF!" i scream down the steps, i hear footsteps and then chase appears next to me and starts pulling my arm.

"Here" i opened the door to a huge room, "mom and dad decided you probably need a lot more space and so um they moved you into Katie's room but they left all her stuff, they hoped you wouldn't mind.

I looked around the room and it was still liked i remembered. Katie's make up messed up on the counter, her big white puffy bed we used to sleep and watch movies in.

Her white walls and wood floors, everything in here katie picked out. I can't believe she's gone, i miss her so much.

I went through the whole room and grazed my hand over everything. The bed, the couch, the dresser, the makeup, the closet, and than i came to 4 pictures, 1st one of our family, 2nd one of her and her friends, 3rd one of her and chase and last but not least a picture of me and her.

I lightly touch the picture not wanting to move it from were it was, when i touched it i felt as if she was still here. I then turned and looked at her messy makeup, it looks like it hasn't been touched.

"Katie always left her make up a mess, but we decided to leave it there because we know if we did she would come in and be mad that it was all neat." he said with a soft chuckle.

At the sound of her name my eyes turned glassy and i felt tears welding up in them. "I'm not the type to cry but when it comes to this i cant help myself. I feel arms around my waist and look up to see chase. "I miss her to, it's so different without her here, i especially miss her complaining."

 I gave a little chuckle but immediately stopped, i unwrapped chases arms from me and headed towards the closet. Inside was a mix of my clothes and katie's, i moved my hands through the closet until i found what i was looking for.

I pulled out Katie's sweatshirt that she always used to wear and brought it up to my nose and breathed in. It still smelled of her perfume, i walked over to the bed and slumped down and started to sob into it. Chase came over and held me and then soon enough we were both crying. I closed my eyes and my mind wen't back to that horrible day i will never forget.


I was on my way home from dance with mom when she got a call from my dad, all of a sudden she dropped her phone and started to speed up. "Mommy whats going on?" she didn't answer all she kept repeating to herself was she will make it.

I was only 13 at the time and chase was 15 we both had no clue what was happening. I turned my head towards the window and saw that we were pulling into the hospital, not a good sign.

When we walked in waiting for us was a crying chase and a worn out dad. Mom ran over to them and they hurried away, i walked over to chase and sat down.

"Chase whats going on" i said trying to keep the shakes in my voice away, he removed his head from his hands and looked up. He opened his mouth but then shut it when he realized mom and dad were on there way back.

"Mom and Dad whats going on?" they looked at eachother and then looked down, for some reason i just started thinking about were katie was. "Mom? Dad? were's katie?" no answer, "were is katie" i keep repeating no longer able to keep the tremble out of my voice.

Mom then broke into tears as dad motioned for me to come for a walk, while we were walking he explained that there was a car accident and katie was in bad condition and we don't think she'll make it, we all said our goodbyes and i think you should to."

He went to hug me but i broke free of his grip and started to run, i passed every hallway until i found what i was looking for. I walked into a room and there in the bed all bruised and broken was my 18 year old sister katie.

"Katie?" i said in a soft whisper as i went and sat down on her bed. Her eyes slightly opened and looked at me. "Tay" she said so soft i could barely hear it, she didn't look good and i was scared so i started to cry. "Katie please don't die i need you, i love you, who will help me with boy troubles and make up!" she weakly put her hand on mine.

"shhh baby don't worry, it'll be ok,  i love you" she stopped and took a deep breath in and started again, "Tay don't worry chase is there for you also,he'll help you." she stopped and then i broke into laughter and she did but not quite as loud as me.

"Can you imagine chase talking about makeup and boys with me" i stopped laughing and a few tears started to fall down my cheeks. Katie raised her hand and wiped them away but left her hand on my cheek.

I raised my hand on hers and kissed it. "I love you Katie, your the best sister i could ever have" she smiled, "i love you too baby sis, and your the best sister i could ever have also and don't forget that" " but tay it's time to let go and say goodbye."

I stared at her in horror, "NO! KATIE NO PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME! PLEASE! she breathed out and then smiled, "don't worry we'll soon be together again" and with that her eyes started to close and her breathing began to slow.

I slowly let her hand drop but still didn't let go, "Katie you will always be in my heart", that night i lost my friend, my sister and my life. I also promised myself that night i would stay strong and never let a soul hurt me and with that i walked out of my sisters hospital room and into a new me.

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