Chapter 14

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I roll over my arm stretching out for carter, when i realize theres nothing there i jolt awake and look around, i hear a chuckle from the corner of my room.

Sitting on the couch is Carter with no freaking shirt on, "Why are you over there?" he shrugs and walks over and sits down on the bed.

"Your cute to watch when you sleep, you talk" he says smirking, i gasp. "WHAT? what did you hear?" i say nervously.

He shrugs again, "Hahah You said you love me and you can't wait to marry me" he says smiling at me".

We'll you knew that already" i say kissing him on the lips softly.

"Well you also mentioned something about prom?" i pull back and frown, "oh?" i say looking at him, he grabs my hand and starts playing with my fingers.

"So i guess i need to get a tux and get you a cro-" i interrupt him with a groan, "Not you too" i say frowning, "I don't want to go to prom, it means getting dressed up" he laughs and hugs me.

"Oh come on, its our last highschool dance before we get married, for me" he says kissing me behind my ear.

"I don't kn-" i'm cut off with a moan that escapes from my mouth from Carter hitting the weak spot below my ear.

"I guess thats a yes?" he says sucking softly on my ear lobe, not being able to answer i nod, i'll just find a way to get of it later.

I turn around and smash my lips to his, his hands caress my butt as i slowly kiss down his neck causing him to moan.

Just as it started to get steamy i realize i still haven't told him about the real me, i pull back at look at him.

His face turns to concern and he sits up, "Is everything ok?" i shake my head he moves over and raps his arms around me.

"Tay whats wrong you can tell me" i shake my head, how could i tell him i've been hiding half my life from him, that i'm putting him in danger marrying him, should i even marry him.

Tears threaten to poor out of my eyes, i try to blink them away but that just makes the come out quicker, Carter hugs me tighter.

"Carter i need to tell you something" he nods "I haven't told you everything about me, I'm not normal" he looks at me worried now but i keep going on.

"After a little while after my sister died i was contacted by people, my parents knew about it and told me i should go with them.

I told them i didn't want to leave, we were all still getting over my sister and stuff, they told me they were ok and that everything will be explained later, when they could they told me why i was taken away."

I sniffle a bit and then started again, " I was sent to a place called Cage, it was a secret assassin agency, i was trained to kill people that i were bad people and owned people money.

It was all legal part of the government" i stopped when i realized Chase entered the room, i should of told him to leave but there was stuff he also didn't know.

"After being there for awhile i was sent to the lab where they did all the testing and stuff, they asked me if i would be willing to be part of an experiment, not seeing the reason to say no i agreed.

They injected me with a serum and did surgery on me. They made me indestructible almost, i was faster, stronger, i could see in the dark, i healed faster, i was smarter, i was perfect, flawless, but i could die from a bullet if it shot me in the head or heart like anyone else, i was just able to run from it so it would be less likely to be hit.

After getting use to my new body and skills they sent me back home, where i met you. I didn't think i would fall in love i was just suppose to be here for a little than go back, then i started to like you and soon love and it was all to much, i couldn't leave.

So when you asked me to marry you i was so happy, finally i would get to be normal, but now i realize i could put you in danger, people are still after me, and being married to you would make you a target also and i don't know if i could deal with that" i choke up tears pouring down my face.

I look at chase and then slowly at carter scared to see his face, when my eyes met his i saw sorrow and love.

"Why didn't you say anything Tay" chase says first to speak, i shrug "I didn't think you needed to know, i didn't tell anyone i'm sorry" i say crying more.

He comes over and hugs me, "Taylor i would love you no matter what, your my sister and you wont change in my eyes ever" i smile at him and hug him back.

"We'll i think i'll leave you two alone" he hugs me one more time then leaves shutting the door behind him.

I turn to Carter, "I'm sorry i should of told you, i will understand if you don't want to marry me, if you don't want to be in danger because of me the girl you thought you lov-" i'm cut off by Carters lips smashing to mine.

When i pull back i look in his eyes confused, "Taylor i don't care you didn't tell me, i will always love you i never thought if i loved you i always knew and i'm not in danger and if i was or am i don't care i will always 100% love and want to be with you" he says looking at me with softy eyes.

I smile and kiss him on the lips, "Carter i love you, i can't believe i found a guy like you" he kisses me back, "I love you to Taylor your the best thing thats ever happened to me."

I start kissing him and crying tears of happiness at the same time when he pulls back.

"So about prom?" he says smirking.....OH JOY



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