Chapter 11

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Sorry it took so long to update, since i upload two chapters at a time it takes forever to get them up. I also have been busy in school, but remember even though i'm late updating you still get two chapters every time, so it's like a win win.

I hope everyone enjoys my book, and i'll look at your requesttttt, also read my other books when you have time.





"Watch over my heart i've left it with you" I chuckle as he quotes Edward Cullen from twilight, "Forever and Ever" I smiles at him.

"I love you so much Taylor Parker" he says looking at my eyes, "I love you to Carter Johnson" i kiss him one more time.

"But i have to go now, but i promise we'll see each other again" i smile and give him a hug, "I'll count the days till i see your pretty face again" he whisper into my ear and i blush.

We pull apart and i walk back to my bike, but before i hop on i turn around and smile at Carter and mouth i love you, he does the same and then i hop on my bike and drive back to Jordy.

But all the way there the three words played in my mind over and over again.

Forever and Ever<3


As i rode my bike home i thought of what just happened, was it real?, did i actually see him, did we touch? all this went through my head.

I looked down at my hand to see a diamond ring glisten back at me, Oh my god it did happen, i'm engaged to be married.

When i got home i walked into see our house ransacked, i quickly scanned the area for the damage the robber caused.

A upside down coach, ripped pillows, a broken vase (not expensive thank god) a cell phone, and a empty bucket of ice cream? What kind of robber eats out our ice cream?

All of a sudden i hear a groan come from the couch and up comes a disheveled looking Jordy.

Guy trouble i immediately thought it must of kicked in that josh was really gone.

"Jordy are you ok and hows the josh thing?" she pouts and then sighs.

"I still cant believe he said he couldn't do this anymore, and usually i'm the dumper not the dumpee" she says looking sad.

"So you went and took your anger out on our couch, the house and the ice cream?" i smile then nod my head towards the floor.

"She grins and then gets up, i step back shocked, her hair is tangled on top of her head with feathers, black colored tears dried on her cheeks, and red eyes.

"What?" she cocks her head confused, I stifle a laugh "You look horrendous" i say pointing to her head, her eyes go wide and she hurries to the mirror.

She groans and starts touching her hair, "This is going to take forever to get out" i chuckled. She turns and smiles at me.

"How rude am i, i forgot to ask about your secret meeting with you lover." I smile and she immediately hits me with a bunch of questions.

"What did he say?What did you say? Did you kiss? Did he miss you? Did you cry? Did he cry? What is going to ha- she immediately stops as she looks down at my hand and notices my ring.

"What exactly happened at the park?" and blush.

"Well he was upset that i couldn't stay and then we kissed and told me he loved me and then asked me to marry him" her jaw drops.

"But aren't you a little to young to be getting married? she says with her mouth still open.

"Its an engagement ring to be married when were older, so i'll be engaged till were old enough to get married, oh and close your mouth."

She blushes and smiles at me "Well then i guess i should say congrats" she hugs me and a feather falls on the floor and she frowns.

"Ug i'm going to shower and try to resolve the mess that i call my hair" she walks off into the bathroom and i start cleaning up the mess.

After i finish i walk passed Jordys room to see her sprawled out on her bed asleep, i laugh softly and walk to my room. I change into my  pajamas and layed on bed, i looked at my ring and smiled. 

Today was a really great day, but just wait till tomorrow.

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