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Titan Station was under attack from the new alien species that suddenly showed up and started attacking everyone and everything in sight.

Both the station and the colonies on Saturn and it's moons were scrambling to evacuate. Whether that be further in the Sol System or to another system, they just had to get out of there. There was no telling how much longer the small Federation fleet protecting them could last. They had already lost a few ships and there were more that were damaged.

This new species had brought with them a space station that was well defended, they had yet to be able to break its shields.

People on Titan Station were panicking because a Xeno ship was coming closer to them. Despite the enemy ships having weak shields and kinetic weaponry, they had numbers, and all those numbers focusing on specific targets meant that they could easily destroy the more advanced Federation starships.

Close to a window of the station, a little girl was clutching her doll as the Xeno ship came closer, intended to destroy the station. Other people noticed and started to cry and pray to their god of choice, while the young girl's parents came up to her to hug her with tears in their eyes.

They could only watch as it destroyed a Federation light cruiser that tried to defend the station. Many closed their eyes, accepting their fate, before a bright blue portal opened up to their left.

Out came a massive starship that rammed the Xeno ship and split it in two, destroying it. Once the massive ship was out of the portal all the guns in its port (left) side opened fire on the enemy.

When the light of the sun hit the ship, a name appeared. It was one that sent everyone into tears of joy and relief.

The Bismarck has come.


Ensign #1: Admiral, Titan Station is safe. We made it in time.

Admiral: Good.

Portals all behind the Bismarck appeared and out came a huge fleet of Federation starships.

It was the rest of the Arcturus Fleet. All ships immediately opened fire on the enemy, while merchant ships and troop transport ships went to assist in the evacuation of the moons, station, and Saturn.

The Admiral turned to his right.

Admiral: Bismarck, let's give our new friends a warm welcome to the Sol System. Divert power to the main guns!

A holographic image of a man in armor appeared.

Bismarck (Y/N): Already ahead of you Admiral.

All of the guns on the port side rotated to face the Xeno fleet and fired deadly blue beams and bolts, destroying a quarter of the enemy fleet in one attack. The rest of the Arcturus Fleet followed suit and opened fire.

Ensign #5: Admiral! Picking up warp signatures......enemy reinforcements inbound!

Bismarck (Y/N): Where are they coming from?

Ensign #5: Hold......the Beta System!

Bismarck (Y/N): The Beta...Enterprise!

There was worry in his voice, but he quickly shook it off and focused on the enemy.

The fighting went in for half an hour before they picked up a weapon being charged up.

Ensign #7: Admiral, energy signatures from the Xeno space station are rising!

Federation Chronicles: Defending these Azur LanesWhere stories live. Discover now