It was breathtaking.

All of it.

Hazel's eyes were wide and filled with adoration for the beautiful landscape, it seemed even more beautiful than that of Berchtesgaden's Alps.

Austria's Alps were vast, and full of nature, surrounding a huge lake. Hazel didn't know where to look as the golden sun shined down onto them in the late afternoon. She was so overwhelmed with all the beauty. She wanted to go out and swim in the fresh water, go hike the mountains to the top, go skip through the little town, lie under the stars in the warm night air. She wanted to do so much, she wanted to do all of it. She felt a breeze brush against them and brought back a hand from Joe's neck to brush a piece of hair behind her ear.

It was wondrous.

Lizzie was hanging out the end of the truck, holding tightly onto the pole, her arms wrapped around it loosely as she gazed out with large blue eyes, her blond hair flying out from behind her. The defeated German soldiers walked away from them in two lines along either side of the road.

But she looked overtop of them, at the lake, the mountains, the sky, the golden sunlight that sent shimmers across the lake. It was beautiful. Lizzie glanced towards the rest of the group and had to smile when she saw Shifty leaning out of the window, his eyes glistening. She smiled before looking back out at the sight of the Austrian town in the Alps.

Lizzie wished this image would stay in her mind forever, this feeling, the beauty of it all. She wanted forever to be like this. Lizzie watched the water sparkle, what she'd give to just take a jump into the water and see how refreshing that feels. The mountains were huge, and vast with snow capped tops, she wondered how it would be to hike up there and see all where they were from that sort of view. She knew it was probably beautiful. She hadn't felt this free in such a long time that she forgot that this is what it is like.

The war was over, and it was glorious. The trucks started pulling into spots, one after another as man after man jumped down and out of the truck to the ground. Lizzie felt her feet his Austrian ground and looked around, inhaling the fresh air that swept around the place.

It was truly beautiful.

Gene eventually found her through all the people, and they started setting up the aid station, which was to be in a rather large house, set towards an overlook of the lake. It was beautiful. Lizzie gently placed down her box and then slowly walked to the balcony that was outside that overlooked the lake and the mountains.

" This is beautiful." Lizzie said, looking around at the beauty of it all. Gene arrived next to her, removing his helmet and running a hand through his hair.

" Sure is." he said and leaned against the railing. It was all amazing really. Going through all that hell to finally then be in a place like this. And seeing Gene smile, there was a relief that settled onto her shoulders that she needed just to see that.

Lizzie was beginning to believe it had all been worth it.

Nixon drove Dick, Harry and Catherine up and towards the building where they would ultimately be staying. As they drove up, Catherine's eyes were wide in amazement; it was like a castle, with it's pointed peaks and cheery red linings of windows, set right by the lake. It was amazing, everything about Austria was absolutely amazing, even with the war done.

The minute they pulled near the shaded greenery by the cobblestone stairs, Catherine quick to jump out and follow Nixon inside. She hurried up the stairs behind Nixon stopping briefly to take in the view.

This is where they'd be staying?

Even as an occupation force?

Catherine smiled as Dick put a hand on her shoulder and smiled at her. Her eyes were shining brightly. She turned and followed up after Nixon, looking up with wide eyes.

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