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"I'm pregnant" I said, I turned to Rosie with tears in my eyes. She hugged me, I really needed that. "It's gonna be okay" "thank you for being here" "no problem, when do you wanna tell Harrison?" "Don't know, soon" i said. I put the stick in the drawer that contains all of my pads and tampons because I know Haz won't go to that drawer.

Me and Rosie chatted for a bit until she needed to leave.

How am I going to tell Harrison, what if he wants me to get an abortion. What if he leaves me. What will tom say. OMG TOM! He's gonna be so disappointed in me. My thoughts were interrupted by the front door opening. "I'm back!" I heard Harrison say. "I'm in the living room!" I said back.

"Hey baby" he said kissing me and we started making out. I was sitting on his lap with my legs in each side of him. He got up and started waking to the bedroom. He laid me down on the bed and started kissing my jaw. "Babe stop" I said. "Did I do something wrong? Are you okay?" He asked getting concerned. "You didn't do anything wrong" i sat up and he said beside me. It's now or never.

"Close your eyes" I said. "What why?" "Just do it please?" "Okay" he said and closed his eyes. I went to the bathroom and got the test. "Give me your hands" he held out his hands and I placed the pregnancy test in his hands. "You can open them now" I said. This was nerve wrecking. He looked at it for a little, then at me, then at the test again.

"You're pregnant?" He asked. "Y-yes" I said. "But when Tom asked if you were pregnant on the phone yesterday you said no?" "I didn't know then, I found out today" I said. He looked shocked, and I don't blame him. "I understand if you want to break up with me now" I said. "W-what? Baby I would never break up with you, I'm happy I am, I'm just shocked" he said. "Why are you so shocked?" I said. "We used a condom" he said, "yeah but they only work like 97% of that time" I said. He shot up "what???" His eyes were wide. "Yeah, have you never watched friends?" "I have but I just want you to know I'm really really happy" he said and kissed me.

*bzz* *bzz* Ugh who's calling now, oh wait it's only 8pm. "Hello?" I asked without looking at the caller id. "Hey!" They said. "Who's this?" I asked. "Tom?" "Oh hey, why are you calling?" "Just wanted to talk to you" he said. "I don't really believe you" "weareconinghometomorrow" he said quickly. "TOM!" I heard Harry say in the background. "Sorry I couldn't keep it in for any longer. But yeah we're coming home tomorrow and mum wants to have a family dinner" he said. "Okay, Do you know the time?" "Around 7" "okay" I said.

Harrison came into the bedroom and laid next to me. "You feeling better?" He said. I nodded my head. "Feeling better? Have you been sick??" To asked concerned. Fuck. "Erm yeah I ate some bad food" I lied. "But Tom I um need to go now" "okay, love you" "love you too" I said and hung up. I hit Harrison on the shoulder. "You idiot!" "Sorry" he said putting his hands up in defense.

The next day... (I'm lazyyy)

"Harrison get dressed! We're gonna be late!" I said putting on my shoes. This wasn't anything special but i wanted to look good. I was wearing a dark blue summer dress and white converse. Harrison was wearing jeans shorts and white shirt. "I'm coming" he did waking to the door.

We went to the car and drove to my parents house. "We're here!" I called out. Paddy cane running over. He crashed into my stomach and hugged me. "Hey paddy careful with y/n" Harrison said. "Why?" Paddy asked. "Umm she has been sick, she's not anymore but I Umm yeah" paddy just looked at us walked away.

We heard the front door open and saw sam walk him with Harry and Tom behind. Everyone hugged then and everyone went and talked to each other. Me and Elysia went outside for some fresh air.

"So Rosie called me" she said. Oh shit. "Oh she d-did" "yeah. And she told me, don't be mad at her, she had to tell someone" she explained. "It's okay" "I'm so excited!" We talked for a bit until mum called us for dinner. I sat beside Tom and Harrison, we all ate and talked.

We're now all sitting in the living room chatting. "If I can get everyone's attention" I said standing up. "I would like to sing a song" here goes nothing. Harrison handed the guitar to me. And I started playing. (Play song at the top)

"That was amazing" paddy said. I looked at Harrison nervous, he looked just as nervous. "So beautiful, why that song?" Mum asked. "Erm I-we- I can't do it" I said looking at Harrison. He came to my side and rubbed my back. "You can do it" he said. "Okay" "I-I'm pregnant" Harrison held my hand as we waited for their reaction. Harry and Sam shot up from their seats "WHAT?!" Tom was shocked, paddy was smiling, mum and dad looked happy and shocked. "I'm so happy for you sweetie" Mum said and hugged us.

"I- you said to me on the phone some days ago you weren't?" Tom finally said. "I didn't know then" I said. "I need some air" Tom said and walked outside. "Well I'm happy for you both" dad said and hugged us. "I didn't expect this but I'm happy for you" Harry said. "Me too" Sam said. "Me three" paddy said. "Thanks you guys but I need to talk to tom" I said getting up. "I'll talk to him" Harrison said.

Hope you enjoyed!

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- E

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