Chapter 12

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The first week of Lizzie's vacation went well. She loved the resort and went to the pool daily. The weather was amazing which only increased the splendor of it all.

The Gardiners enjoyed their vacation without their children. It was a time of relaxation and tranquility. Since they were treating themselves to a vacation sans kids, they decided to go to the spa multiple times.

On the second trip, Lizzie however, did not feel like attending their spa trips, so she decided that it would be a good time to go on one of her morning walks. This time, instead of the woods, she would walk down the beach.

Once she reached the lobby, she thought she heard someone calling her name, so she turned around looking. She saw no one so she kept going.

"Lizzie! Wait!"

This time it was much louder. She knew that she couldn't be hearing things so she stopped once more and looked for the culprit of the call. After a moment, she saw someone moving fast towards her and once they got through a large crowd of people, she learned that this person was William. He quickly made his way to her, slightly out of breath.

"Good, I caught up with you. I saw you exit the elevator as I was reentering the hotel and thought that I could accompany you to your location. I have nothing planned for today, so it would give me something to do."

She was a little shocked that he thought her out, but then she remembered that they are friends right?

"Well, that is very nice of you William. I am going for one of my morning walks on the beach, but you are welcome to join if you have no other plans." They both smiled and it gave Elizabeth that weird feeling in her chest.

"I would like that exceedingly, but only if that does not inconvenience you." He asked, a little hesitant.

"It's not an inconvenience at all. I would enjoy a friendly conversation." This seemed to end his hesitation and they started towards the beach.

On the sand, they both took off their shoes and walked where the waves would barely wash over their feet. The ocean breeze was blowing through their hair from the ocean. They were talking so much that they did not even notice that they were walking for nearly 3 hours.

At one point, they took a seat on some rocks near the water and dipped their feet in a tide pool.

"Look at the little crabs and starfish! I've heard of and read about tide pools, but I've never actually seen one. You wouldn't obviously get to see them in Saskatchewan so this is a first. What about you?" asked Lizzie, while examining the small pool.

"I confess that I knew about this area before today and led us here since I thought that you would like it. I went for a walk yesterday, but other than that no, I have not seen one before." She thought about his confession. He thought about her and found something he thought she would like. The weirdest part was that she did like it and he somehow knew her enough to know that. She also thought about how far they were and the reasoning behind him being this far away from the hotel by himself.

"Well I appreciate the thought and have to say that I do in fact like it. And if it's not too personal, I was wondering why you would be this far out by yourself on a walk."

"As you already know, my aunt is rather opinionated. She has been trying to give me business advice ever since I took over Pemberley and never stops. Her idea of a good company is one where the employees are scared of the boss because that way they don't ask her meaningless questions. That is what she says. She also wants her employees to know that she thinks less of them because they are of a lower class then her. She gave similar opinions two nights ago at the dinner you attended, so I assume that you know what she thinks about that. Anyway, I disagree with this completely and I said as much. I told her that having a good relationship with your employees is actually more effective to the growth of a company. I also explained that it is a twisted way of thinking since those employees that she thinks so about for are the ones who do her business. Without them, there would be no hotel and that is something that should be rewarded. Normally, I am able to ignore her opinions, but this I simply couldn't. She obviously did not agree and could not see it my way so it became an argument." What he didn't tell her was that his aunt has also mentioned Elizabeth and the Gardiners and told him that he should feel shame for being in such close acquaintance with them. That was a statement that caused even more anger in William since he would not allow someone to speak poorly of Elizabeth and get away with it. He thought that it would be best not to mention this detail since he was trying to show her that he has changed and would become the kind of man she could approve of. The topic of his aunt's obvious dislike would not help his case, so he continued.

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