Chapter 24

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Hey guys! I'm sorry if this chapter is boring to you. I tried my hardest to make it entertaining, but there isn't anything huge happening in it. I know where I want to go with this story, I am just having a hard time writting it. Sorry. I will try to post again as soon as possible.

Thank you all for reading my story. Enjoy!


It has been 1 week since Lizzie’s family got there and it has been amazing. Everyone has gotten along splendidly. Anne has found friends in Cassie and Edward. Georgiana has thrived around the little kids. They were always at her heels asking if she wanted to play a game or play the piano. All of these requests were granted most willingly and they started calling her Georgie almost immediately.

Of course William and the Gardeners got along since they were already acquainted, but now that they were staying at the Darcy house, that acquaintance soon turned to friends. Lizzie was also amused to notice that Will was very good with the children and they seemed to love him as well. The boys were constantly asking him to play with them or to ride on his shoulders(since he was so tall in comparison to them and it was a fun game to be so high in the air), while the girls seemed to become blushingly shy around him(he was handsome after all). Eventually Emily and Lily would warm up to him when he invited them to play along with their brothers and they were soon calling him Mr. William. The way that he lit up around children was possibly the most heartwarming thing Lizzie has ever seen and it never failed to make her smile.

Now that their relationship was public to some of their family(because Elizabeth still was not too excited to tell her mother), they were inseparable. All of the family members were positively ecstatic about their relationship. Georgiana never stopped to exclaim how happy she was that they were finally together. After a little bit of questioning, she confessed that she had been trying to push them together for quite a while. This brought laughter and caused the couple to confess exactly how long they have been together and why they kept it a secret. The reasoning was understood by everyone and there were no hard feelings.

Anne Darcy didn’t think that she had seen her son this happy in quite a while and she couldn’t be more pleased. She already loved Lizzie like a daughter and knew that she was the cause of his recent behaviour and couldn't be happier. The image of William laughing while he had his arm lovingly around Elizabeth will forever be etched into her mind. 

It was actually quite surprising how loving and open he was about his feelings for Lizzie. The few times in the past that he had dated, Anne noticed that he was always a little reserved towards the woman, but now there was absolutely no reserve in his manner. This thought brought an excited smile to her face. She felt that there had to be a reason for that and the thought that maybe her son had found his match in the witty, caring Elizabeth Bennet made her heart fill with even more love for the girl.

Even though the new relationship was a huge topic in the family, no one has told anyone outside of the group.

...Well everyone except Charles Bingley and that was completely by accident.

‘They were playing hide and go seek with the Gardener children. The boys decided that it would be fun to have all the girls search for the boys, so that’s how it started.

William was hiding near the garage, behind a wall. He had been there for a while, but he could hear someone coming. He just made no noise and waited to be found.

However, no one came.

He thought that it must have been the gardener or someone else and breathed a sigh. He was still hidden. Or at least he thought he was…

“I must say Will that you were not particularly hard to find.” said an amused Lizzie with her arms crossed over her chest.

William jumped at the voice and spun around to find his girlfriend smirking at him. So he was found.

Taking advantage of the alone time this gave them(since there hasn’t been much of that over the past couple of days), he pulled her by the waist into his arms and replied teasingly. “Well I don’t know if you have realised, but I am not as capable at curling up into cupboards as your young cousins are.”

She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I suppose you are not. They should really find a partner who can benefit the team, rather than lower their chances of winning.”

“I suppose they should. Any suggestions?”

“Well, I am not one to brag, but my cousins have told me I am and I quote ‘super duper good at hiding’, but of course I would never want to brag.” She finished and raised her nose in a fake haughty expression.

He laughed, pulled her tighter to him and tried to give a serious look, but ended up failing when a smile lit up his face. “Of course not, but I don’t think that the girls would be too happy about losing their ‘super duper good at hiding’ cousin.”

“Oh, I am sure they would not be too upset after learning that they would get you on their team.”


“Yes. It is quite obvious that they are both quite infatuated with you. I can’t imagine why?”

“Neither can I, I'm afraid.”

Lizzie leaned in a little. “It’s not like you are kind” she leaned in a little more. “or intelligent” a little more “or funny” she leaned in once more “or the most handsome man they have ever met. So I don’t understand why. Maybe we should ask them?” She finished so close to his face that their noses were brushing and they could feel each other’s breath fan over their face.

William, not able to hold back any longer when she had that mischievous gleam in her eyes, dipped his head down and gave Lizzie a passionate kiss. She reciprocated just as passionately and things continued from there.

They were so wrapped up in each other’s presence, that they didn’t hear the footsteps that were coming closer to them. They were broken apart by a surprised exclamation from none other than Charles Bingley.

He was embarrassed at having caught them in such a passionate exchange and proceeded to apologise profusely, explaining he was going to check on one of their cars that needed work in the garage. Even though he was embarrassed, he was beyond curious at what was going on between them.

After finally regaining the ability to speak, Elizabeth and William explained that they were dating. It was easy to see Charles was completely elated at their news and he proceeded to tell them that. Charles was happy for his best friend at finding someone he could be himself around.

William asked Charles kindly to keep the news to himself for a little while since they wanted to finish telling Lizzie’s family before the news came completely public. He agreed and added as an afterthought. 

“Caroline is going to hate this and I can’t say that it makes me upset.” He laughed which brought amused smiles onto the couple’s faces.

Their conversation was interrupted when they heard the screams and footsteps of 4 young children coming towards them exclaiming in loud voices that ‘Lizzie found Mr. William!’”

On the topic of Charles Bingley, there is still one Bennet family member that has not been addressed. Jane Bennet.

Ever since they have arrived, Lizzie has noticed a particular fondness between Charles and Jane. She was happy that it looked like they might become something more, but Lizzie guessed that only time will tell.

One point however, is that when asked, Jane described Charles as ‘just what a young man ought to be.

That seemed promising.

The rest of the week had been very much the same. The group went out to see the attractions of London as well as some less-known places shown to them by the Darcys.

Overall, it was wonderful.

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