Chapter 26

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Hi guys! I know that this chapter is shorter than they usually are, but I was bored and decided to post something small. Hope you like it!


Jane has just left with Charles for her date. Elizabeth decided that it would be a great opportunity to spend some alone time with William, so she left her bedroom and made her way to William’s room. 

When she knocked on the door, she heard no reply. Confused, she knocked again and called out his name. Again, no response. The last time she knocked, she slowly opened the door. 

“Will, are you in here?”

That’s when she heard a crash come from the sitting room attached to the bedroom. Slightly concerned about what was happening, she hastily made her way to the entrance.

Once she saw who made the noise, she was shocked. In the middle of the room was a table set for two with candles all around the room. It looked beautiful, but what shocked her the most was William laying on the floor with a few candles lying around him. He grumbled to himself which made her giggle quietly. Hearing the noise, he turned around and saw her.

“Lizzie! What are you doing here? I thought you were helping Jane get ready.”

“She just left with Charles and what is all this. Do you want me to go?”

He stood up and walked over to her. “Of course I don’t want you to go. I guess now that you’ve seen it there’s no point keeping it a secret. I thought that since Jane and Charles were going out that maybe you and I could have our own dinner here. I know that it’s cheesy and you probably would prefer actually going out, so if that’s something you want to do we can, but I just thought that maybe-”

Elizabeth covered his mouth with her hand to get his attention. He softly placed a kiss on it and then reached up to bring it down and intertwine their fingers. 

“Will, it’s absolutely beautiful and while it might be a little cheesy, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I can see how much effort you put into this and that means everything to me.” She then raised up onto her toes and kissed him sweetly. “Come one let’s have dinner”

“Alright, love.”


The meal went great and by the end of it they were practically bursting at the seams. Due to the fact that they stuffed themselves, Lizzie suggested that they relax and cuddle on Will’s bed. Both parties agreed and that was what they spent the remainder of the night doing. The majority of the time was filled with comfortable silence, but there were moments that they spoke of inconsequential subjects. At least they were until Will spoke about 1 hour later. 



“Please don’t get mad at me by what I am about to ask you. I really don’t mean it in a bad way, I am just wondering about something.”

“Oh no. We both know how well the last conversation went when you started off by asking me not to get mad.” She laughed, remembering when she thought Will was breaking up with her. 

“I know. That’s what I don’t want to happen this time.”

She raised a little to look at him straight on. “Okay what is on your mind?”

“Well, I know how kind Jane is and these past days of her staying here have shown me that she would never consciously hurt someone. I also know that Charles is beyond taken with her, but I’m finding it hard to find a similar connection of her side.” At Lizzie's look of confusion and slight anger he continued hurriedly. “I realize that I don’t obviously know her very well, but I just wanted to make sure that she isn’t just being kind to Charles and truly feels something. I’m not saying this to slight her, I just want to make sure that Charles doesn’t get hurt.”

When he finished, he could see a mixture of emotions in Lizzie eyes. He sighed for what he thought was an argument about to take place.

“Lizzie, can you please speak to me. If you’re mad, I would understand, but I think I would rather have you yelling at me then silence.”

She turned towards him again slowly. “So you’re not accusing my sister of faking feelings and lying?”

“No! Of course not! Lizzie, I am so sorry if it came off that way!”

She gave a little chuckle. “Will, it’s okay. I understand that you are just looking out for your friend. I am so used to Jane’s emotions that I forget she can sometimes be shy in expressing them.”

“So are you saying she cares for him?”

“Yes. If only you were there last night before bed or even this afternoon. She was positively shaking with excitement and fear at messing it all up. I can tell you with certainty that she cares for him very much and just has a hard time showing it to everyone around her.”

He let out a breath of relief. “Oh thank god. I really didn’t know how this would go and I really hated the idea of having to tell Charles that Jane doesn’t care for him. I agree that they would make an excellent couple since they are both so kind.”

Elizabeth laughed and layed down once more, wrapping her arms around William’s torso and rested her head on his chest. He kissed the top of her head and murmured into her hair. 

“I love you Lizzie.”

“I love you too Will.”

They then fell asleep in each other’s arms.


While they were sleeping, Jane arrived home and she didn’t think that she could be happier.

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