New world

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Everything was all black then you open your eyes
You were suddenly on top of Kris because of the fall Kris noticed this having a little bit of blush on his face. You quickly get up and apologize, Kris didn't seem to care he just smiled and told you it was okay. Looking at Kris he seems to be a knight by his cooler, new, outfit with armor and a cape. You commented on it saying how the colors looked good on him. He only thanks you as he puts his hand on his cheek You looked around..Seems like this is a new story.

Your POV
It looks like we are somewhere else but how are we here? "Where's Susie?" You question Kris only shrugs in response.Kris walks as you follow it was so silent that I could only hear Kris heels whenever he walks. "Those are fabulous" I thought to myself (XD) After we walked for what it felt like hours we saw a shadow run pass by. Kris gets in front of me trying to protect me as we slowly follow the shadow. It ends up hiding in a pile of dust, Kris tries blowing the dust away then Susie appeared. "AH!! DONT HURT ME ILL-" "Oh it's just you guys!" I see that Susie also has a new outfit too.

"Where are we anyways? We should go find a way out of this place! You lead the way Kris I don't want to do all the work here." Kris gets in front of Susie as he walks. "Ugh can't you go any faster geez you're so slow!" Susie then runs past Kris leaving us behind.
How rude...
I can see that Kris also thought it was rude since he clenched his fists. Oh boy this sure will be fun...

After going through some paths we make it to the castle until we hear someone "Please come forward you three"meet with a mysterious person with a covered in a coat? It spoke "Welcome I am the prince of this kingdom" (I kinda forgot how it goes to be honest so I'll skip to the interesting part XD)
Blah nkablv anlhahfblah This mysterious person explains the story of ya being hero's "Me being a hero?" Susie says. "Yeah right if you need me Kris and y/n I'll be around trying to search an exit to this place." Before Susie was going to leave Mr. mysterious told her to wait and... *BOOM*

Another monster appeared hitting the poor guy out of the way with his bike that was on fire? "AHO HO HO! IM THE BAD GUY FEAR ME!!" This cubby looking marshmallow says as it was ready to battle us. *BAM* The Battle Begins "Alright finally something exciting!" Susie says as she hits the marshmallow with her axe, "I don't know how I got an axe but that's cool I guess" Lancer talks, "I don't have a license to ride a motorcycle so I tried putting my bike on fire to look like one!" Lancer saying this only makes me laugh. Kris takes out a sword which I never saw before and hits lancer probably a bit too aggressively as lancer yells with an Ouch. "Fine you guys win! But this won't be the last time you'll see me HO HO HO HO!" Lancer then leaves.

Mysterious came back to talk until Susie got bored and asked the guy to take off his hood. "Oh my apologies" As he took it off he reveals himself showing a his green hat, pink scarf, and a green dress? *Snort*

"Hi everybody! My names Ralsei! It's a pleasure to meet you guys! And I can't wait to be friends-" Ralsei then was cut off by Susie. "Best way to leave is East right?" "Well yes but-" "Cool" Susie then turns to us "I'll see you two back at school" Leaving us standing Susie was gone.

Awkward silence... "Uhm well... I am a prince and I've been waiting for you guys to arrive since that's the only thing i do is just wait here alone...It's really nice to meet you Kris and Y/N. I hope we get to be good friends...Now let's go find Susie! You guys lead the way!" Ralsei says as he stays behind us, Kris keeps walking as I was in the middle...

"Uh know you can run right?"


Deltarune Kris x reader 💀The demon inside me💀حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن