"Breathe love, breathe. Deep breaths." Jay moved to rub his back, a frown upon her face. "You're safe here, we're not going to hurt you."

"I'm s-so scared." He whimpered.

"Oh my darling. It'll be okay."

"Can I have a shower?" He asked quietly, "please."

"Of course. Come on."

"N-no, y-you don't wanna touch me." He murmured as she reached out a hand to help him up.

"Take my hand, c'mon."


"It's alright."

He reluctantly took it, allowing her to help him up. His sleeve road up and he quickly moved to tug it back down, earning a sympathetic look from Jay.

"Lou will get you some of his clothes that you can change into afterwards. Take as long as you need."

He nodded, following her to the downstairs bathroom, sitting on the toilet seat shakily as she started the shower.

"Do you want to stay here tonight?"

Harry looked up at her blankly as he tried to register what she had said before finally giving a "yes please."

"I'll just fetch the clothes for you, I'm sure Louis will have gotten them by now, and then you can hop in the shower."

"I feel so dirty."

"I know you do darling. But you'll be alright. Everything is going to be okay."

Harry looked up to her, "is it?" He asked, his voice cracking.

"It is." She nodded, walking off to get the clothes.

"Take as long as you need." She put them down, giving him a smile before shutting the door behind her.

Harry moved to lock the door before stripping off and stepping into the shower. The showers Harry was used to were lukewarm at the best, so be relished in the warmth of this one.

His legs were shaking so much that he could hardly stand, but he managed it. He scrubbed at his body furiously, turning the cold water off so that the water was now boiling.

By the end of the shower his skin was red and it stung. But he felt he deserved it.

Once he was dry he ambled out, standing awkwardly by the doorway.

"Sit down love. Dinner will be ready in a minute." Jay gestured to the table.

"'m not really hungry."

"Are you sure? You should probably eat something."

Harry shook his head, "I think I'll be sick if I eat."

"Alright. I'll save you some just in case. You can go and watch TV in the living room or just sit here if you want."

He made his way into the living room where he sat down gently, curling up. He pulled the sleeves of Louis's hoodie down over his hands, thankful that it was baggy.

"Hawwy!" Daisy ran into the room, heading over to him.

"Daisy, leave Harry alone please." Jay called from the kitchen.

"It's okay." He called quietly as Daisy climbed onto his lap.

"Why are you sad?"

"Um, something not very nice happened to me. I'm alright though." He offered her a smile.

"Don't be sad Hawwy."

"Come on Dais. Dinner time." Louis took Daisy off Harry's lap, tossing her over his shoulder as she giggled. Louis turned back to face Harry, mouthing a "sorry."

A few minutes later Louis returned, sitting next to Harry on the sofa. Harry didn't notice for a while, too lost in his thoughts. When he finally did notice, he jumped back, startled.

"H-how long have you been there?"

"A couple of minutes. How are you?"

"Do you actually care?"

"Of course I do."

"Why do you say that like it's obvious?"

"Look, I know I'm a dick. And I'm sorry for that. Like really sorry. And I don't wanna be like this anymore. I started off like this in year 7 and I would've stopped once I realised how bloody pathetic it is but...you know, Zayn and Stan kinda pressured me. And-"

"You didn't want to lose your reputation."

"It wasn't that. I was scared of people bullying me. And I know that's no excuse seeing as I'm such a twat but yeah...I'm sorry. Also I know you won't forgive me, I just wanted to let you know."

"I do forgive you." Harry said quietly.

"What? But why? Don't you like, hate me with all your heart?"

"No. I forgive you. Everyone makes mistakes."

"But this wasn't just a mistake Harry." Louis sighed.

"I still forgive you."

Louis frowned, looking Harry up and down. "Are you just doing this to make me happy? I've noticed you do that a lot."

"I'm not. I just don't like conflict or anything. And I understand why you did it."

Louis sighed, Harry definitely should not be giving in so easily. Louis had literally made his life hell for the past few years and here Harry was, willing to forgive him after a few words.

"Okay." He huffed, knowing Harry probably wouldn't back down.

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