Book 2: Born A Killer.

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Hold up wait a minute, y'all thought we were finished? Here's a preview of book 2: Born A Killer.


St. Rownebury Orphanage.
May 1st, 2021.

"Do you sometimes have the urge to harm yourself or to harm other people?" The psychologist questioned adjusting her glasses pushing them closer to her face as they had managed to slide to her nose since her head was down. She wanted to see eye to eye with the boy before her, she wanted to get inside of his her although he was still a child she wanted the best for him.

He continued to play with the rubix cube not bothering to answer yet another one of her questions which she was used to by now since she had been studying him since he was born.

"Maurice," she called out and his hands suddenly became very still.

His dark eyes slowly looked up at the woman.

She asked her question once more with a stricter tone of voice, "do you sometimes have the urge to harm yourself or other people?" Maurice didn't reply yet again, he only let his eyes fall back down to the rubix cube which was steadily between his fingers. He liked how each side was a different color, he liked having to solve puzzles and make things complete.

The psychologist sighed in disappointment and stood up from her chair, exiting the room.

Through the one way glass her and many less helpers of the orphanage started to discuss Jamell's recent behavior. To the psychologist it seemed he was on the right path to having a normal life. She started to explain to them how many years she had been visiting him and how just because both parents of a child were serial killers absolutely did not mean the kids would turn out the same, most of the times the children are the complete opposite. Such as Rose Bundy, which was Ted Bundy's daughter, she turned out to be a very wholesome and church going woman. Along with many other children. But in the back of the psychologist's mind she knew his case was a bit different from the rest having two parents commit horrible acts together was very unique in her eyes. She truthfully had her eyes closely on him because of this.

Maurice looked over at the one way glass, sending a small reassuring smile.

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