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[Castiel POV]

"COME OUT!" Charlie won't stop rattling me in the dressing room.
"Stop it!! Why do I have to wear this?"
"You want me to shout it ?!"
"NO! I am coming out!"

And I did. I have been trying clothes, mix and matched by none other than Charlie!!

I mean a few people were already impressed by previous ensembles but Charlie kept mumbling "not for Dean.."

"Charlie! I am getting dizzy! Why can't I wear my own clothes??"

"Coz' what?"

"Anyhow no worries! We found it!!"
She said running to me and giving me a tight hug.

"Go back , undress we are gonna pay for that and then switch back!!"

I saw two sales ladies whispering to each other. And when they saw me look they giggled and one waved at me.
I waved back.

"Cassie no! Stop would you!"
"What why!? She waved! Its impolite to ignore that!"

"Trust me you have to! I mean look at you! You are definitely getting laid!!!" She shouted clapping her hand in excitement. Few people laughed
I felt myself glowed with embarrassment.

[Dean POV]

"Gabe here!" I went to Sam and Gabe, they were having candies and cake at the cafeteria. I slid the keys of the Camaro across the table.

Gabe caught it and gave me a thumbs up "what is it this time?"
"Awww nice!!! Hey Sam! How come you never asked me out on movies?!"
Sam appeared from behind a cake and books "what you talking avout? We go out!" He tried to gulp a big piece
"Yeah to study!" Gabe laughed at Sam's frowning face
"Thought you liked that?!" Sam spoons for another bite
"Yeah! I do." Gabe smiled wide

"Guys can I talk to you?!"
I had to tell them. Aside from Charlie, Sam and Gabe are closest to me and Cass.

"Yeah men go for it!"
"Sam and of course Gabe..."
"All ears bro!!!" Gabe sat properly facing me
"Gabe I want to ask... Well if you would allow me... I would like to ask Cass out..."
"But you are already going out!" Sam pitched in
"No Sam I mean... Gabe, would it be alright with you... If I courted your brother Cass?"
Sam chocked, Gabe's eyes widened and his jaw dropped
"Sam... I have been meaning to tell you about..how I feel for Cass and I am sorry if this is awkward for you and I..."

Sam stood before I finished. Gabe went to me and gave me a hug.
"Finally!!!" He said when he let go "Don't worry I'll talk to him, he is just a bit stiffened by it. He'll warm up!"

I still couldn't get the reaction of Sam off my head.

"Dean! He is my brother! And I love him! And he thinks highly of you so please, if you are unsure do not bother to continue... I can hurt you!"
"Gabe no need for threats! I will make Cass happy... I love him." We both stared at each other. Then we both smiled.

"Now just don't mind Sam, I'll talk to him for you." Gabe was kind enough to even settle with my stubborn brother.
Sam never tells me if he and Gabe are the same with me and Cass. If it was I will totally support it, major improvements with Sam has happened because of this joker.

"Thank you Gabe!"
"Now wait a moment Dean... I am not the only family Cassie has. If you are to get really serious, don't forget to stop by our house again, I mean sure they have met you but on different circumstances. And no worries! I will be there to settle any issue for you!" Gabe gave me a pat and very confident smile.

He is right. If Cass and I have it great and we both want to stay, I will take this to the mile and I have to do things properly. I left giving Gabe a hug and thanks.

I was walking out their building and thinking about Sam and how to tell him, again when I heard his voice.
I look back and Sam was running towards me.
"Sam.." He locked me in a bone crushing hug.
"I am sorry I freaked out!" Then he let me go. "Truth is...I knew it could happen, I mean you and Cass hanging out. I am happy for you! I mean you are not as sad as you were before. With Cass you are this, happy, optimistic and everything positive guy! And Mom would definitely be happy for you!"

"Wow! Sammy don't think that I love him more than you ok! But thank you! Yes I hope mom does, do you?"

"It's Sam! Of course I already consider him a brother!"

That made my stomach flutter, and suddenly I am happier.

"What about you Sam? You and Jess still at it?" He looked shocked
"I-I no!"
"Oh ok, anyone new?"
"Why are you asking me this?"
"Because I am your older brother! And I told you mine."
"I'll tell you when I'm ready."
"Uhuh...is it Gabe?" I saw the rush of blood in Sam's face and his jaw dropping.
"Dean how could you?"
"Oh what? Don't take it to literal!"
He looked down, still red to the face.
"I am... Still figuring it out."
He answered calmly.
"Ok. Anything at all, I am here for you ok!" I gave him a hug.

"What are you gonna tell dad? When? And How ?"
"Its for me to figure out. You just go along and do what you do."

When I thought things could be ok, dad had to be brought to the picture.
I look to my watch
"SHIT! I have to go!"

I drove towards the cinema hoping Cas was not there yet with Charlie. They weren't. I got the tickets I reserved for me, Cass and Charlie. Then a few minutes more I saw two people head towards where I stand.
Charlie with her red hair of course, bu Cass was Wow!

Cass was wearing a thin red t-shirt, you could almost distinguished his torso lines, he had a black , hip length, shoulder tight, zipper up, leather jacket and a black glossy skinny and a hair that is teased . Bottom line ! He is HOT!

Charlie giggled when the got close "Close your mouth Dean!"
I believe I got so red that Cass quickly touched my forehead "Not really helping!" I grunted as I felt my self get hotter
"Do you have fever? Do you want to reschedule this?" Cass asked sincerely
I grabbed his warm hands, pull him and Charlie inside the cinema. I did not let go of Cass' hands, Charlie kept giggling.

"Uhm Dean, you can let go now." Cass announced when we reached our seats. He was staring down our hands and his eyes were wide, he was blushing. That's just so cute!!!
"Maybe later!" I chuckled feeling good myself. He looked up and those baby blues were smiling. I love that.

When the movie started, I let go of his hand. I think I heard him groan. I chuckled. I'll make him wait, maybe he'll ask for it!

There was a part in the movie I really liked, I leaned over to whisper in Cass' ears about that part.
"....it was so cool when..." While I was talking he leaned in as well and there was little than an inch between our faces. I kept talking, he nods and then smiled. His whites sparkled, his lips contrasted with the whites. I felt myself lick my lips. Cass was waiting for more
"Anything else?" His eyes looked to mine. I can't hear the movie anymore. I got a whip of Cass' smell. Dew and lilac. My heart calmed down and I know its time.

"What is it?" He smiled again, so adorable!
"I love you!" I whispered and grabbed his head towards mine. I gave him a soft kiss on his lips. Our lips quickly melted together.
"Dean..." Cass tried to talk but I won't let him.
"Dean..." He can't stop himself as well. This is great!
"Dean. Charlie is loosing it." Cass grabbed my shoulders and we both looked to Charlie. She was not watching the movie as well, she is watching us, and I think her soul just left her, so much happiness!

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