Chapter 8- Planet of Peace

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Lance sat by Keith's bed and watched him squirm. He had been badly injured, but the healers said he would be alright. They barely survived their trip through the black hole, but they were both alive and Keith was near him and that was all that mattered.

'Lance,' Keith murmured, his eyes still closed.

'I'm here Keith,' Lance whispered, running his fingers through his hair.

'I'm right here.'

'Lance, it was all a lie. I never hated you,' Keith murmured. Lance was sure the medicine was making him so honest, but he didn't care.

'I know, Keith, I know.'

'Lance,' Keith said once more and fell back asleep.

Keith opened his eyes and found himself lying on a soft feather bed. He groaned, his entire body aching. He sat up, rubbing his back and realised he was shirtless with patches of white cloth covering his body. He looked around and saw that he was in a little straw hut with another bed opposite his. He raked his brain to remember what happened. They had been in a battle and the last thing Keith remembered was the Red Lion being struck with an Ion cannon and Lance screaming his name.

Oh god, what happened to Lance and the others?

'You're awake,' a soft voice said. Keith's head swivelled to the door where Lance was standing with a small smile. Keith didn't hesitate and flung himself at Lance.

'You're alive,' he cried.

'I am,' Lance said, hugging him back.

'Lance, what happened, where are the others.' Lance gripped Keith's arm and gently led him back to the bed where they sat.

'After the Ion cannon struck you, Red lost all power and you began to drift into the black hole. I went after you and attached your Lion to mine, but Blue wasn't powerful enough to pull us out. I kept us together through the hole and it spat us out here on this planet. I have no idea where it is, but they're never heard of Zarkon or the Galra empire so we must be pretty far. You were so badly hurt Keith, but their local healers saved you. You've been out for three days.'

Keith stared at Lance, not knowing what to say.

'Lance, you saved my life. I-I could never repay that.'

'Shut up mullet, you're my friend. I'll always save you.'

Keith prayed that his cheeks hadn't turned red.

'What about the Lions?'

'They're powerless,' Lance answered. 'Completely out. And I have no way to contact the others but right before we got sucked in, Shiro told us to stay put. That he would find us, so I guess that's what we should do.'

'Yeah, you're right,' Keith answered.

'Cmon,' Lance said, offering Keith his hand, 'I'll introduce you to the locals.'

Lance watched with a small smile as Keith talked with the yellow skinned people of this peaceful planet. He didn't admit to Keith how terrified he had been when they landed. He had pulled Keith from the Red Lion and he hadn't been breathing. Lance screamed for help, crying and screaming into the night. The locals had arrived. They couldn't understand him through his tears but they saw Keith in his arms and understood. They took him and healed him and Lance had never felt such relief. When he had been able to speak he told their leader that he would do whatever they asked in exchange for helping Keith but they had said that they help all those in need, and that he and Keith were welcome to stay as long as they wished.

The planet was a fascinating one, Keith admitted. They had beautiful trees with bright pink leaves, and strange animals. Lance showed him around and it felt nice, to be with him like that. He could almost forget the battle and his worry about Shiro and the others, and he even almost forget the fight between him and Lance.

'So, how long have you been together,' the girl named Nadia asked. She had canary skin and white hair like Allura, and was the one who saved Keith's life.

'WHAT,' Keith yelled a little too loudly as he felt his cheeks flame. 'Me and Lance aren't together.'

'Oh, I just thought the way he reacted when we found you-'

'What do you mean?'

'He went mad,' Nadia said. 'We saw your Lions fall and then heard this horrible screaming and found Lance holding you. It was pretty scary.'

'Oh,' Keith said softly and felt his heart warm. Stupid Lance, Keith thought, you make it so hard not to love you.

Night had fallen over the planet and the stars were out. Lance had dragged Keith to the top of their hut as they watched the sky. When Keith saw it, he gasped. It was beautiful. The night sky was clearer than it had ever been on Earth. Billions of stars twinkled across the vast black canvas, casting silvery light on them. It caught in Lance's hair and reflected off his brown eyes. But Keith could also see vibrant nebulas stretching across the sky.

'It's beautiful Lance,' Keith said softly.

'Isn't it,' Lance replied. 'I know we've basically lived in space for the last year, but there's always something magical and humbling to see the vastness of the galaxy from the ground.'

How are you so perfect, Keith thought.

'You're right,' was all Keith said.

'Hey, mullet, it's going to be okay,' Lance comforted, bumping his shoulder against Keith's. 'The others will be fine and they'll find us soon.'

'Well, I hope not too soon,' Keith said, keeping his face inclined away from Lance. 'I mean, it's pretty nice here.'

'It is,' Lance said and smiled at Keith. Keith smiled back. 

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