Chapter 2- Training

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Lance could see that the team was thrilled to have Keith back. They seemed to be more motivated than ever to beat the Galra, and Lance couldn't blame them. With Keith back it felt like Voltron was finally complete again, like it had been in the beginning. Lance was happy to have Keith return too, but he couldn't help notice the other boy pulling away from him. Weeks had gone by, Galra battles fought and won and yet Keith and Lance had barely spoken since Keith's first day back.

Keith was always first to arrive for meals and first to leave. Besides Voltron group training, Keith always trained alone and spent too much time shut up in his room. Lance didn't know why he cared, but it seemed to be driving him up the wall.

'It's just Keith,' Shiro said when Lance asked him about it. 'He needs time to adjust being back in Voltron. Why do you care anyway?'

'I don't,' Lance had huffed but he found himself in front of Keith's door one evening anyway.

'Wanna train,' Lance asked as Keith opened the door.

'Actually I was-'

'Nope,' Lance interrupted and grabbed Keith by the arm. 'You're training with me.'

The training room was pleasantly cool but that didn't stop either of the boys from sweating up a storm. Lance noticed the way Keith's hair was plastered to his forehead and the way the sweat glistened down his neck.

Stop it Lance, he told himself. He didn't have time to think about his thoughts as Keith came at him with his gigantic sword. Lance brought his own blade up in defence and the two of them fought. There was a strange beauty in the way their bodies moved as they parried and blocked.

'I clearly won that,' Keith said as his sword morphed back into his bayard.

'What are you talking about, I totally got you,' Lance argued and suddenly had an idea. 'Why don't we go hand to hand to settle this?'

Keith grinned. Lance knew Keith was just as competitive as he was.

'Done,' he said and swung his fist at Lance. Lance ducked and aimed a kick at Keith. They began to fight, fists in the air and bodies slamming into each other. Lance actually began to laugh at the fun of it, but he became distracted. Keith grabbed his wrist and swept his foot under Lance's knees. Lance fell to the ground and in a blur Keith was on top of him, his knees on either side of Lance's thighs, pinning him to the ground.

'Do you yield,' Keith grinned and Lance's breath left him. Keith's face was inches from Lance's, his dark hair falling into his eyes. His chest was heaving and his smile was alight with teasing. Lance could feel Keith all around him. Keith's legs pressing Lance to the floor and his hands curled around Lance's wrists. Something about seeing Keith like this did things to Lance that he couldn't possibly understand.


'Why are you avoiding me?' Lance blurted out and saw Keith's eyes widen in surprise.

'Uh what are you guys doing,' a voice from the door asked. Lance blinked and Keith was off him, standing ten feet away.

'We were training Hunk,' he said stiffly. Lance pulled himself up and glanced at Keith but he was already heading for the door. Lance felt a twinge of bitterness as Keith disappeared down the corner.

'You okay Lance,' Hunk asked softly.

'Yeah, I'm fine.'

Keith wanted to kick himself. Why couldn't he just stay away from Lance. It was such a simple thing to do and yet he had gone to training with him. Keith couldn't get the image of Lance pinned down beneath from his mind. He couldn't get the sound of Lance's wild laughter from his ears. It had been so perfect and then Lance asked it.

Why are you avoiding me?

What was Keith supposed to say? How could he tell Lance that every second he spends with Lance is agony because of how he feels. How could Keith possibly explain to Lance that the only reason he left Voltron was because he hoped distance would diminish his feelings for Lance, but they had only grown.

'How am I supposed to tell you that I love you,' Keith whispered to the darkness in his room. 

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