Ch. 2 - The Stow-on-Side Gym

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Welcome back! 

So you know how I said that I didn't want to jump in with the Gym Battle? That's because I was planning to start with the Gym Battle, but I reread it right before posting and didn't like it. I wrote the first chapter just to get something out because I had everything all set up, but I never really got back to rewriting this chapter until recently.

Enough of my excuses. I made you guys wait for nearly 3 months (sorry), so here is Chapter 2!!!


Quick F.Y.I.

"Words that are bolded, but aren't italicized or underlined mean that the P.A./Announcer is talking."


(F/N) / (L/N) - First Name / Last Name

(H/C) – Your hair color

(E/C) – Your eye color

Age: 16 years old


"As your biggest fan, I am going to give you a Heavy Ball for talking to me!"

Is that supposed to imply something?

This weird person who has a pokéball for a head comes up every time I enter a gym. I'm fine with the free pokéball, but this is still a little creepy.

Change that... VERY creepy.

"Come talk to me once you get to the next gym!"

"Sure will."

It's not like there's a choice. This Ball Guy comes up and talks to me the second I enter the gym. But something different has been plaguing my mind about this person. 

Who the hell is underneath the mask?

I pushed the thought back and walked up to the official to challenge the gym.

"Your name?" the Gym Official asked.

"F/N L/N. I'm here for the Gym Challenge."

"Ah, so you're one of the Gym Challengers that are still left! That might change soon, though. Get dressed into your uniform in the room on your right."


I changed into my uniform which had the number 16 on the back. The age when I started my first journey right here in Galar.

When I think back, this gym has given me weird vibes. The Ball Person giving me a Heavy Ball and then the Gym Official saying that things might change soon after I battle the gym. This has been a wack Gym so far and I'm only about to enter the puzzle process!

"Are you ready to go F/N?" the official asked.

I got out of the changing room and followed the official. Inside the puzzle room, I see a long slide with punching gloves.

"What the hell is this?" I thought.

"Alright F/N, do you know how in amusement parks, there are the turn tables where you grab the middle and start spinning yourself?"

"Yeah... don't tell me –"

"Yep, you'll have to go down three sets of turn tables while fighting the gym trainers after each set. If you don't feel like continuing, you can step onto the pad at the end of the set or yell 'Uncle.'"

The Silver Fighter (Male Reader x Bea)Where stories live. Discover now