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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬❝ overdosed by overthinking

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overdosed by overthinking.

FIVE MINUTES is what it felt like it had taken before that phone rang in the morning. it was like a punch to the face that had the ravenettes eyes feeling even more swollen from sleep and the will the get out of bed that much more difficult. jungkook answered the phone and grunted as a form of greeting to the lady on the line informing him of his 5 am reminded wake up.

the alarm on his own phone followed second, he was always sure to have more than one thing waking him up. jungkook had the tendency to not want to leave the warmth of the sheets, and the pretty male laying beside him made this even harder.

jungkook leaned over carefully and pressed a soft kiss to the sleeping boys temple, hearing him hum but that was it. taehyung was too fast asleep to respond much more. after last night he was definitely tired, considering he walked in around 11 pm without the kid. eli had fallen asleep in jin's room, so taehyung decided to leave her there and check on her in the morning once they were both awake.

before he had fallen asleep he wondered what they would do that day, since they had lots of time to kill and taehyung didn't want to spend it worrying over the others. it was best to keep busy and pretend like the people he loved most weren't doing anything illegal.

there were lots of thoughts going on that previous night, little fantasies and dreams swirling around tired minds that mingled with the anxiety and nerves. those baby dreams were interrupted by a knock on the hotel door, and a grumpy blonde pushed himself out of bed to see who could possibly be bothering him right now.

jimin wasn't expecting to see his best friend standing there, especially all dressed and ready to go. "dude, what are you doing, let's go." jungkook said.

"what, why are you even dressed?" jimin was blinking and doing his best to wake up right now. nothing made sense and the fact that the younger even combed his hair had him very confused and wanting to go to bed again. "jimin it's 5 am, day of. let's go." jungkook held up his wrist to show his watch.

his best friend did the same, pointing to his own watch. "it's 12:30. the night before." jimin said. he could see the wheels turning in his friends head, the confusion clear. "oh." jungkook only took a second before the realization hit him, knowing the one person to pull some tricks on him. "oh." he said again.

"oh. she's mean." jimin caught on. he knew the kid had a certain personality that liked to mess with the ravenette, it only made sense for this tiny prank to unfold. "alright, how many espressos did you have?" the blonde asked.

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