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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬❝ one brick at a time we watched it fall

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one brick at a time we watched it fall.

THE SPACE WAS EMPTY, only messed up sheets and an abandoned pillow beside him that morning. taehyung at least sat up and saw the little body in the next bed, beanie on and covers all the way up to her shoulders. there was a note too, sitting on the bedside table in familiar writing.

jungkook would be back soon. he had woken up before the other two in the room, the inability to sleep had him walking down the sidewalk in daegu just as the sun was coming up. he'd wander for a while, only to pick something up for breakfast and head back to the hotel when the others would be awake.

it's been a while since he's been here. the last may have been when he first met yoongi, after hearing about the males skills through a contact and coming to find him. he didn't know he'd also be finding a lifelong friend.

there were memories in these streets, around every corner he could see them playing, dancing on the sidewalks like pretty dreams he wished he could visit again. jungkook smiled that morning while he walked, the sounds of birds waking and the scuff from the heel of his boot on the cement comforting him.

not many people were out this early, there was no reason to be. jungkook wasn't expecting anyone either, which is why the shoulder bumping into his came as a surprise.

"woah, i'm sorry-" the ravenette stopped. his shoulder was knocked and so was the air from his lungs at seeing that one smile.

"you never wrote back." the newcomer grinned, "i'm still offended i wasn't invited along."

jungkook remembers crumbling that letter, shoving it so far down in the trash he could pretend like it wasn't there. his fist clenched the same way now like they did around that weak paper. "you're still not." jungkook said.

"come on. for old times sake." seungri was still grinning, that same sick and smug one that the younger was so familiar with. he should have known better, just by that expression jungkook should have known this man couldn't be trusted to have his back. it only took one job and months in a cell for him to finally figure that out on his own.

"get lost." jungkooks jaw clenched.

seungri tsked, shaking his head so slightly. "but in sightseeing." he said. "that explains my visit. what about yours? another job?" he was pushing, trying to find a weakness in the ravenette that would give himself away. "and so soon after the siwol heist. i know that was you. you just can't take a break."

"and you just can't take a hint." jungkook snapped back. he had been having a good morning and was waiting for it to get even better once he was back at the hotel with his fiance and a warm meal. instead he had to deal with this. "but i'm not surprised you've been keeping tabs on me." jungkook said, a little smirk threatening to show. "you always liked taking notes from the best."

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