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"Midoriya get up."

"Huh? Oh."

Midoriya POV         

          I opened my eyes, and saw a boy with red and white hair and heterochromic eyes leaning over me. The boy wore a white tank top and grey sweats. "Oh, Todoroki-kun, is something wrong?" I asked. Todoroki shook his head.

          "No, everything's okay, it's time for 1-A to get our rations."

          "Oh, okay." I responded. He was a little hungry. The two of us got up and started walking over to the cafeteria. UA was a shelter, one of the last left standing, as far as we knew, that still held firm against the undead. Here, everyone was trained to fight off the undead for the best chance to survive. We were separated into groups by age and skill. 1-A was the group for people in the 15-17 year range with the most skill. We were trained by pros, most of whom had been members of the military or law enforcement before the apocalypse hit, but others were of more dodgy pasts, like mercenaries and vigilantes. Every now and then, we'd have to leave the shelter for supply runs, to ensure that we don't starve to death. We don't have many pros, and the pros we do have are invaluable, so it's usually us trainees that have to go. We've lost some people on those supply runs, and we always dread when it's up to us to leave UA and hunt for food.

          I snapped out of my thoughts as Todoroki and I arrived in the cafeteria. We both were given a very small bowl of soup. It wasn't much, but it kept us all alive, and prolonged the time it took between supply runs. We sat down with the rest of our group. Well, what was left of it anyways. Hagakure and Kouda had died during supply runs. We were down to 18. It was still better than most other groups, but still... Two of our friends were dead. It served as a constant reminder that we were not safe. Not here, not anywhere. And we could all die as early as tomorrow. There would never be a guarantee of survival, not even for the next hour or minute, or even second.

          "Midoriya, you're muttering." Todoroki said.

          "Oh, was I?" I asked sheepishly "Sorry."

          "Fuckin better be it's annoying as hell." Kacchan said. He wore a black and green jacket, with a black shirt beneath it with a large orange X on it. He had a black and orange mask with teeth on it hanging around his neck. He had hard green coverings on his forearms and black and orange gloves. He had pockets all over and a belt with canisters of who knows what. He had baggy black pants with armored kneepads and black boots with orange accents on them. He had a bat with nails embedded into it strapped to his back. His whole outfit had faintly visible remnants of bloodstains on it.

         "Oh, Kacchan, are you going out?" I asked. That was Kacchan's survival outfit which he only wore when he was on a supply run.

         "Yeah." He responded. "And that means you are too." He said, pointing at the four people in front of him. They were his unofficial team, or as they usually call themselves, the bakusquad. All four nodded, finishing their stew quickly to go change into their survival outfits. We had to have specific outfits for going out because they were specially designed to withstand undead attacks, as they cover us from head to toe and often had bits of armor here and there, like on Kacchan's arms and knees. Kacchan's team going out together is a gamble, as they're some of the best, especially Kacchan and Kirishima, but at the same time, since they're so good it makes it harder for them to die, but we all know better than to think it's impossible. We all just have to hope all five of them make it back alive.

Bakugo POV

           Today's my day to leave UA to find food. We try to grow food here but what we have isn't enough to sustain us. Not by a long shot. So they send us to go find food or die trying. I stood in front of the gate. I pulled my dark mask up onto my face. I looked behind me and saw my squad running up to me in their survivor outfits. Hell yeah, let's do this. When my squad of idiots were standing by my side I turned back around, looking out beyond the gate. There didn't look to be any undead around the gate, so our departure wouldn't let any of them in.

         "Oi, Aizawa, all clear." I called out to the man by the gate's locks and reinforcements. He nodded, and began opening the gate for us. I grinned, though you wouldn't know it with my mask on. It's go time.


Ive never written a fanfik before so i was a lil apprehensive about this so uuhhh yeh
It prolly wont be the best kause ive never done anything like this before but oh well
anyways bye you fantastik slightly underdone chiken nuggets

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